Chp.14 Miraschon: The Debt Collector Pt.2

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As we left off, Miraschon's stand appears, the debt collector as Ermes broke one of the rules of the bet, and now she has no liver and the money she has hidden in her stolen as well by the debt collector...and yet, Miraschon is nowhere to be found around as she fled when her stand appeared...

Mary Lynn Manson: If you sold this liver I'm holding on the black market, it would make up for the remaining 590 dollars you owe.

FF: Piss off!!

FF began shooting her bullets out from her finger at the debt collector, but as she did, none of them hit the stand, it just went through...

FF: Huh?! I-It didn't land a hit?!

Mary Lynn Manson: Thats because I am the shadow that lies deep within Erme's heart. The two of you possible cannot lay a finger on me nor attack. Ermes has broken the rules you establish, and lost the bet on her own. So I collected the debt she owes, or are they're any precious items she may have? If so, I can exchange her liver within an equal value...Jolyne?

Jolyne: Nrgh! What now you bitch!

Mary Lynn Manson: How about I exchange you for something for Ermes's liver, like let's say....the cute bodyguard you have with, (YN), yeah, that'll do. What you say?

Jolyne stood quiet, and to clench her hands and to grab the ball off from the floor and responds...

Jolyne: Fuck that.

Mary Lynn Manson: What?

Jolyne: This bet ain't over yet! We'll catch the ball a thousand times, and if we succeed of dosing that, you'll give back everything you took, and leave us alone!

Mary Lynn Manson: Okay, bet. But if you lose the bet, you'll have to give me something equal, like I said again, that cute looking bodyguard, I want him, so, how about it?

Jolyne gave some thoughts about it...and slightly sighs...

Jolyne: *I'm Sorry (YN)...I hope deep within my heart you have something in mind to get out of this mess, I know you do.* Fine.

Mary Lynn Manson: Excellent, with the rules set, the game has begun. See you later.

The debt collector vanish from the shadows...with the bet just began, Jolyne tosses the ball at FF...and Ermes barely able to talk and to keep herself alive with one liver in her body...

Ermes: J-Jolyne...

Jolyne: don't speak Ermes, you're not the fault here. Since Miraschon is a stand user, there's a high chance she might be working for White Snake, if that's the case, their aiming for my mom's disk, that's what the collector is for. You got drag into this mess cause of my family drama, I can't let you die for me.

FF: But how the hell are we going to find her inside?? We're talking about thousands throws in a row! And that stand of hers is basically Invincible's!

Jolyne: Yea, it is, but not as Invincible's as Fulgores.

FF: Eh??

Jolyne: Think FF, if we find (YN) in the building, we can have him help us track Miraschon down, and have him use his stand agains hers, if I'm correct, everything Fulgores mimics against other stands, he does it better! Her stand may be invincible, but Fulgores is way more, and her fair game as well! That's why she's putting distance between us! Let's go!

Jolyne and FF run off inside while tossing the ball at each other, too look for (YN) and Miraschon, so far they haven't found (YN), so they decide to look for Miraschon instead while still tossing the ball to each other, they arrive to the showers....

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