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It is now March 21st, 10:35am, two lore day for the new moon to Emporio was taking the wheel, to drive over to Cape Canaveral to go after Pucci and stop him...Jolyne was at the backseat with (YN) and Anastasia, as she was holding onto Weather's disc he's left them...

Jolyne Mind: Weather, you never gave up, in your final moments, you were trying to tell us to pursue the priest. You even took the advantage to White Snake's ability to upload your stand, Weather Report, onto a disc of its own...if I were to stick it in my head, would I use your ability? Although, (YN)'a dad has already starting to make his way to Cape Canaveral...only two more days till the new moon. At this point, I don't even know if I can take control of the situation....what do I do? Despite the snail apocalypse we've dealt through, mom's disc was given to the SpeedWagon Foundation. My old hag will regain unconsciousness again, and she'll know what it needs to be done...shall I wait for her, or not? It I do wait, the priest will plot an evil act at Cape Canaveral. ...oh mom, what should I do? No, I just go, I have to! I have to take care of the priest! Come on mom, give me a sign...what should I do?

Jolyne thought about her mother, and to give hope she awakes soon enough to come for her...until then, she has to get to Cape she does, she then tries to fall asleep for a moment, and her head to tilt towards (YN)'s shoulder, as he too was taking a nap...

Jolyne Mind: Well, not just that...I have you as well, (YN)...once we deal with your dad for good, afterwards...we can spend some quality time, together.

She slowly lands a kiss to his cheek, and smile and to sleep with him...
And as it goes for Anastasia, he turns and notices Jolyne sleeping with (YN), and to get quite irritated and bothered...

Anastasia Mind: She...she's so cute! Woah! How? She's even cute when she's asleep, but...why isn't she sleeping with me!? Tch, of course that punk (YN) had to get in my way! Like hell I'll let him, since the beginning I have promise to make Jolyne my bride and marry her, and also to genuine tell her how I feel towards her.

Anastasia then pulls out a ring from his pocket and to gently place it and to put it through her finger...

Anastasia Mind: I manage to pay a whole fortune to get this ring. Once she awakes from her slumber and away from that jackass, she'll notice the ring, and I will tell her on the spot how I truly feel.

. . . Then suddenly...

Ermes: Yo! Check it outside!

(YN): H-Hm?

Jolyne: Huh?? What's up?

Anastasia: Jolyne, you're awake. Listen, I have something to say-

(YN): Oh Damn, are those gators?

Ermes: Yeah! It's those damn gators from the prison and to come all the way here! Fucking reptiles think their safe cause their federally protected and scared the crap out of me back at the prison!

Jolyne: Woah look at that one! He's massive, take this asshole!

Jolyne then tosses the ring and to hit the gator...

Jolyne: Hell yeah! Bulls eye!

(YN): Haha! Nice hit JoJo! That'll piss him off more!

Ermes: Haha! Look it's freaking out! It ain't running but flipping out! That's what they get for scarring us! Hahaha!

Anastasia: N-No...B-But she, no...why?!

Anastasia started to rant on Jolyne for tossing the ring out he just bought for like, tons of money...

Anastasia: J-Jolyne!! What did you just throw!? J-Just..l-let me see! Let me see your hands please!

Jolyne: Eh?? What??

(YN): Dude, the fucks wrong with you now?

Ermes: Yeah chill, what's your deal Anastasia?

Anastasia: I'm telling you to show me your hands immediately please! D-Did you really just throw it?!

(YN): Throw what?? Look stop acting like a weirdo will ya? And take your hands off from her, fucks your problem!?

Anastasia: I just wanna know why she throw it away!!!

Jolyne: ...I have no clue what you're even talking about.

Anyways, with that being ignored...the kept driving on the freeway as Ermes checks on the map to see where exactly they need to arrive. According to the map, they're exactly at Cape Canaveral, at coordinates 28 degrees 24 minutes North, and 80 degrees 36 minutes West. It's the section of Florida that juts out onto the Atlantic. It's located on a shoal of 34,000 hectares, where wildlife and ancient nature still remain. It's a part of land which is the accumulation of sediment from a river. And the place they're suppose to currently head the space center. To get to The space center, it has to be in car, no bus or train. They focus on launching rockets, satellites and space shuttles to the great unknown. They will be heading to the visitor center first, they must meter that way to visit before exploring the complex.
As they kept driving to reach to the space center, at the destination, we then take a look at a station where lots of passengers are waiting in line, and there we see Pucci already there, and it would seem that he's not feeling too well, he's sweating a lot, and also to feel an immense pain in his he awaits on line, a passenger then approaches to him and starts a chat with him...

Passenger: Hey, I must ask, are you a pastor, or just a priest? I try to do one good deed a day. It's sort of like a personal goal I've set myself. Are you sightseeing? You know, it's just...I'm curious why a man of God like you is interest in all this space stuff. Cause if you ask me, you look a little out of this place. Well actually it makes sense right? God and space are sort of similarly you know? And who can say, maybe God is actually an alien? Which can be a joke, not to offend of course, haha.

Pucci was feeling annoyed and more stress the fact he isn't in the mood at all of whatever is going on...

Pucci: ...are you really expecting me to humor these ridiculous questions with an answer? You did your good deed for the day, isn't that enough? If this is your idea of killing my time, go do it somewhere else. It's not like I'm in a hurry.

The passenger knew that Pucci wasn't even in the mood for a chat at he ignores him...Pucci started to feel more off already whatever is going on...

Pucci: S-Somethings odd....I feel body feels..n-Nrgh!! Why does my body's being pulled??

Then suddenly, we then see the passenger that was talking with Pucci, feel something splat on his face, and to see spills of soda from another passenger suddenly to flee out of it to his direction and to spatter his face all over....and not just that...he too was being pulled with such force as well and to be sent flying...and to be stabbed into one of the poles...and for his blood to drip all over...but not to the ground of course...
His blood began to drip horizontally, like if his blood is being pulled horizontally as well All cause what's happening with Pucci..
What could this mean?


Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now