Chp.37 Enter The UnderWorld: Donotello Versus Pt.1

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As we left off, Jolyne suddenly was on an airplane all of the sudden instead of being in a tunnel...

Jolyne: Wh-Where the hell am I?!

She looks around and to see actual passengers on this plane she she does, she then see a person reading a newspaper, and spots the date, which then caught her with a surprise and shock to see the date of July 21st, 2005...

Jolyne: 2005!? What the...!? But it's 2011, How did I jump back to 6 years ago!?

She looks about the window...and to then spot Pucci and the enemy with him, Versus, and his stand aside with him, UnderWorld...

UnderWorld: Look, she has came all the way dragging her rope behind her. I'll go cut it.

UnderWorld leaps over to the airplane to go cut her rope as Jolyne tried to escape the plane and to yell at (YN)...

Jolyne: (YN)!! Ermes!! Can you hear me up there?! Pull me out of here, they're trying to cut the rope! Hey!! Hurry, there's no time! Come on!!

Outside of the hole, (YN) and Ermes heard Jolyne shouting out for help as (YN) uses his strength to try pulling her out...

(YN): Hold on JoJo!! Shit!! Ermes help!

Ermes helps (YN)..

Ermes: Shit, what the living hell is going on down there!?

Back down, Jolyne was finally being pulled up and out of the plane, and to see UnderWorld rushing to the rope to cut it off she quickly emits Stone Free out...

Stone Free: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!

Stone Free throwing barrage punches at Underworld, for it to then wide through inside the walls and appear aside from her...

Underworld: I welcome you, even though you've come uninvited and haven't greeted me, you may stay. You chose to come in my hole of your own volition. However, I must insist the entirety of this tightly pull rope comes with you as well! HIYA!!

As underworld was about to cut the rope, Stone Free tosses a sharp pen to underworld and for it to stab underworld's neck, and so as Versus as well as a gap of blood pours out and covers it quick...

Pucci: Hey Versus, will you be alright? Compare to you, who has recently developed a new stand ability, Jolyne Cujoh has undergone intense training through her experience in prison. She is much more accustomed to all our battles like these. So, do jo pursued Jolyne any further now, you've done enough. If Jolyne wants to escape out, so be it. She won't be attempting to come back inside again, at least not for a while. For now, all we can do is wait patiently, and wait here for three more days.

Versus: ...

Back with Jolyne...

Jolyne: Hey can you hear me up there you two!? I can see the light now! I just be getting close, pull me up.

(YN): Yeah, we can hear you, hold on!

Ermes: Fucking Hell JoJo! Are you okay!? The hell happen down there??

Jolyne: The enemy is starting right at me as we speak, also the priest is with him as well! We need to come up with another plan to find a way down here!

As Ermes and (YN) pulls Jolyne up...suddenly Ermes and (YN) spots someone down there pulling up the thread...this one happens to scare Ermes as well, startling her as she saw his face, and to be none other than Sports Maximum, who was suppose to be dead by Ermes...

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