Chp.36 End Rikiel:Jigsaw

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As we left off, Jolyne, Ermes and Emporio were in trouble, Ermes's fingers rotting, Emporio peeing blood, and Jolyne can't feel her legs at all, and is up to (YN) to stop Rikiel...

Rikiel: (YN), I'll kill all four of you eventually, but for now on, you're the main target!

(YN) rushes at Rikiel and to summon Fulgore, The rods began to fly toward him as Fulgore began swinging its blades around...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Then suddenly, as (YN) was close to Rikiel's range, he wasn't focus on the fact one of the rods went inside of ankle, twisting it...

(YN): Nrgh!

Jolyne: Oh no (YN)!!

Emporio: It's inside his body! Only way his ankle could twist around like that, is if something did it internally. From inside the body of course...unless...

Emporio came up with a theory...he lifts his shirt up, and to see the disc on him, takes it off and for it to have his body part become pale...

Emporio: I-I see now! Now I get it what's happening. The rods survive by feeding on body heat!

Jolyne: You think so?

Emporio: I'm sure of it! The blood in my urine means that there was an attack to my kidney. The kidney on this side is undamaged thanks to your mother's disc, but the other side of it feels cold cause of my body heat got sucked out. Back at the ghost room, I read about something like this in one of the books on the shelf's. When you look at human organs in a thermography, the disease part of the body's temperature is much lower than the healthy areas. If the heat of your fingers were drained, the joints would be by themselves and eventually start to rot. Even our eyelids will shut too, and if they malfunction your kidneys, you pee blood. So for the rods to survive, they eat other organism's body heat and use it to fuel themselves! They come near you, but never touch you. And you don't realize that your body heat was absorbed until you're infected.

(YN): Yare Yare, everyday is always school day.

Rikiel: Yo brat, you're a smart little shit, aren't ya? Well you're exactly right! But I didn't make you chucklefucks sick so that you would perish from the disease. It was to make sure you don't move at all, so I can finish you off with pinpoint precision. It's a hard hit, but there's one area where temperature loss is fatal, and the only thing I know where it is is the brain stem!

A bunch of rods started to fly towards (YN)...

Jolyne: Shit!! (YN) get out of there now,m or go under water now!!!

(YN): ...No.

Jolyne: What?!!

(YN): Cause...I'm lucky that I still have time left to use your threads.

Then, (YN) began to use/mimic Jolyne's thread's out of his body with little time left it's got, wrapping them around him, he then grabs a flint rock on the ground and to use Fulgore's neon blade to sparkle them together, and to create fire on the threads and for flame to surround around (YN)'s...

Ermes: Holy shit!! Estas Loco?! Are you nuts?!

Jolyne: You're crazy! You can't!!

(YN): You don't gotta worry about me. Honestly, I don't feel it. Compare how my father truly hurt me after I realize the shit he's pulling, this is nothing!

Rikiel startles and to become worried, and also the fact he's losing control as well as his eyelids to slowly shut...

Rikiel: Y-You crazy Motherfucker! If you're trying to test my spirit, it's way stronger than yours!!!

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now