Chp.39 Heavy Report Pt.1

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We then left off that Versus has stole Weather's memory disc from Pucci, and to retrieve to Weather, and he did, with Weather regaining back his memory, he is now a different person than he was before, ruthless, cruel, utterly angry, and harsh and with a attitude as of the medics try to stop him by hurting the patient, until Weather uses his ability against the medic, inserting the clouds in his body and to fill his whole body with water and killing him...

Anastasia: Weather! The hell you're doing!? What's gotten into you!?

Weather: Me? Hehe, what does it look like idiot. I'm finally myself now, and feeling a whole lot better.

He then started to walk away...

Anastasia: Wait! Where are you going Weather!?

Weather: Weather? Who do you think you are? ...So I take it my new name was Weather Forecast, but I really don't give a shit about it nor have a problem.

Anastasia Mind The hells up with him!? He's like a different person!

As he goes following Weather, we take a look back to the tunnel, and to see Jolyne and them surrounded by Weather's rainbows...

Versus: The rainbows around us are getting closer!

Versus then free himself from the threads as Ermes spots him...

Ermes: Oh no! You're not going any where cabron!

Ermes rushes and to emits Kiss to attack Versus, but then a rainbow passes throw her arm...and for her whole arm to bits a lot of these shaped look alike eggs from her hands all of the sudden...

Ermes: My arm!!

And for it to regenerate back and no problem at all...

Ermes: Huh?? It's okay? Or am I just seeing things?

Versus: It's only gonna get worse! Sure you're in trouble, but aren't the only one! Take this as a warning, whatever happens, do not touch the rainbows. Father Pucci tried to stop all this, these are Weather Forecast's rainbows. His stand has the ability to control the weather. Now that his memories are back, he could now finally destroy the ozone layer if he wants to! The ozone layer is way up in the sky. If he messes with it, we will be screw and we all die for good! And I use it as a gamble to use him as my advantage so I can continue to live!

Ermes: So what the fuck does that have to do with my arm that just happen!?

(YN): Hey you piss ant! You're telling me these rainbows here are here cause he got his memory back?!

Jolyne: That doesn't make a difference though, how does that make sense?!

Pucci: ...It's his subconscious.

Jolyne/(YN)/Ermes: !?

Pucci: Weather's stand sometimes functions unconsciously. The climate can be quite difficult to control. So there are instances where it manifests on its own without him even noticing. The fact of the matter is he should have never had his memories return to him. I'm order to stop his either need to kill him, or find a way to extract his memories from him once more. Although, I don't believe you, Jolyne, are capable of taking Weather's life. And if you cannot, everyone will die before the new moon arrives. That is everyone except me of course.

Pucci then walk away through the tunnel still to make his way to Cape Canaveral...

(YN): Hey! Get back here!!

Pucci: ...If I were you my son, I wouldn't let Versus get away.

(YN): Huh?!

(YN) and the girls look and to see Versus fleeing away...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now