Chp.3 End Of Cry Cry Dolls: Gwess Pt.2/Stone Free

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As we left off, Jolyne finds out that the bird Gwess has is none other than a living small human disguise as one...and that's not all, Jolyne also realizes that she herself somehow have shrank and is now tiny, just like that tiny human that Gwess has...and now, Gwess finds her and find out about her stealing her bird...

Gwess: So the culprit is you, bestie.

Jolyne: Oh shit!!

Gwess: How did you took my copy-chan away from me!?

Gwess grabs Jolyne and to walk over to their cell...and to sing her name...?


With Gwess tossing little Jolyne to a table, Gwess slowly approaches to her...and to make sure nobody sees this...

Gwess: Oh Jolyne, I'm starting to like you more and more, like we are more than just besties.

Jolyne: H-Hey! The bell did you do to me?! How did you shrank me this tiny?!

Gwess: Hey Jolyne listen, stop talking okay and put this on.

Gwess tosses Jolyne a dead rat, see an open gape from its neck, and yet to realizes it's blood and guts, everything inside the rat is empty...

Gwess: You're going to put this on, don't worry, I removed its guts and all. The parrot had some disadvantages, the poor thing couldn't handle it much longer. But rats are better, they got four for the person in that parrot? He was a guard, who got fired for being a lazy ass. The chief and everyone thought he left home after being fired...I know I told you not to speak, but I'll let it slide if you do it in a cute way like "See you later" or "Mommy I'm hungry pwease feed me"

Jolyne has no other order to come up with a plan to get back to her regular size, she has to play along with she puts on the rat costume on...

Gwess: Awwww! Look how adorable you look! Now let's begin our training shall we?

Gwess grabs couple of books, puta them on top of Jolyne as she began to struggle holding them...

Jolyne: D-Damn!!

Gwess: Okay, now lift them up, Chorokichi.

Jolyne: Ch-Chorokichi??

Gwess: Everything has a name you know? "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was god, and through him all was made. And without him, nothing was made that had been made". So this power I obtain that cause you to shrink deserves a name. How about...Cry Cry Dolls? Yeah that's it, Cry Cry Dolls shall be the name of my mental ability. Now come on, I think you're ready now.

Jolyne: R-Ready for what??

Gwess grabs Jolyne, exits the cell and to walk down the hallway, no guards to be seen, so Gwess puts Jolyne onto the cage door..

Gwess: Okay, see the other side of the cage door, at the far end of this corridor? You're going to find the control center. Your objective is to get to that switch over there. It can unlock at the cells and doors in this prison. I know you can make it, understand? If we do work together, we can escape for good. Anyways, for some reason I can't use my own ability to shrink myself, though luckily I have you now. It's important to trust each other. For this mission, you just need to investigate everything beyond that corridor.

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now