Chp.53 The Sorrow Death Of A Crusader

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(YN) goes rushing over to Jolyne and Emporio, as the two realize the weather time change has went back to its origin time, Emporio looks around, and to then spot (YN) rushing towards them...

Emporio: (YN)!!

He goes running down to him, and to then hug him and felt so relief to see him okay...

Emporio: I'm so happy you're okay!

(YN): Same here buddy...

Emporio: So, did you...

(YN): ...Yeah, he's gone now, for good.

Emporio: ...I know you still love him, and he did too, but what he did...was so wrong.

(YN): I know, but don't worry about that, it's done now...where's Jolyne and the rest? Are they okay?

Emporio: ...Ermes is fine, she's still unconscious from losing an arm, luckily Jolyne stopped the blood by ripping off her clothes and covering the wound...But...Anastasia...A-Anastasia...

(YN): ...*looks down* Shit! ...and...Mrs.Kujo?

Emporio: She...She did went have any time left...Jolyne is with her...

(YN): Oh no...come on.

Emporio helps (YN) walk over to Jolyne, as they get closer, (YN) can hear Jolyne speaking quietly to her mother, he approaches closer and closer...and then to sat next to her on his knees, and Jolyne notices him, as she gasps and quickly hugs him...

(YN): Jolyne...

Jolyne: I-I'm glad you're okay, and everything is okay mom...I-I stitch that wound on her face, and she hasn't woke up yet...! We..we need to do something!

(YN): Jolyne.

Jolyne: There has to be a way to bring her back, there has to-

(YN): Jolyne!

(YN) holds her hands tight and to feel sorry for her...

(YN): ...I'm sorry, but...there isn't much we can do. I know it's bad for me to say this but...

Jolyne: N-No..why...why are you saying that?? ...Why are you saying that?!? Don't say that bullshit (YN)!! I...I can't loose my mom can't loose her again! I-I just fucking got her back just some hours ago and

Jolyne leans her head towards (YN)'a chest, tearing down a lot the fact she can't deny about her mother's death...
But then, we then see Jocelyn's fingers twitch a bit, and to slowly rise her hand, reach for Jolyne's and grabs it...

Jocelyn: J-Jolyne...

(YN): M-Mrs.Kujo!

Jolyne: M-Mom! Oh thank god you're okay!! D-Don't worry, I patched you up right! J-Just stay there and Don't move, Emporio already contacted the SWF to rush over here and get us, so you should be okay!

Jocelyn:'s...t-too late for that...I..I don't have...much time...

Jolyne: Wh-What..?!? H-Hey..come on now, don't joke around like that..! Y-You seem perfectly okay!

Jocelyn: Jolyne...I-I cant see nothing from my right eye, I..l-lost too skull is literally fractured...and...I only have...little time left...and I'll use that time...on you.

Jolyne grabs her mom's hand, tearing down...

Jolyne: N-No please!! Don't say that...I-I don't wanna loose you again!! ...Not you too!

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now