Chp.45 Enter C-Moon Pt.1

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As we left off, Jolyne and (YN) meet themselves a new enemy stand, that happens to be Pucci's new stand power, he goes by
C-Moon, and has come to eliminate them to not get in Pucci's way, and whatever he did to (YN)'s arm to turn inside out as well...

Jolyne: (YN)! Are you okay?!

(YN): Y-Yeah I'm fine! Shit, the hell he did to my fingers?!

C-Moon spots Emporio with them...

C-Moon: So, you're the friend who's been aiding Jolyne in prison?

Emporio: H-Huh?

C-Moon goes after Emporio as Stone Free and Fulgore try attacking him, but then to move aside and to hide himself...

Emporio: Where did it go!?

Anastasia: Behind you two!!!

C-Moon appeared behind Jolyne and (YN) as they rush their stands at C-Moon and to throw Barrage Punches to it, and to land a hit on Jolyne's hair and to back away and to stand on the wall perfectly...

C-Moon: First order of business is to dispose Jolyne Cujoh and (YN).

(YN) sees Jolyne's hair acting weird and yet to stretch inside out...

(YN): Your hair, it turned in on itself. Just what the fuck it can do?

Emporio: I think I know! It must be his attacks like from when his fist grazed us, but barely made contact. So if he punches us, we will be in big trouble! It has to do with gravity, judging by everything that's been happening around us, this is probably has to do with gravity! Whether it can be an apple or planet itself, everything on earth is affected by gravity, and all of it is pulled towards the Earth's gravitational center! That's the natural law of the universe. Except this guy's ability messes with that. It makes the gravity go to the opposite direction! That's why when it's fists makes contact, it'll be inverted!

(YN): *grunts* Good fucking grief, my father must've developed a new stand no thanks to the unique energy around Cape Canaveral.

Jolyne: So it's no longer White Snake, nor Green Baby.

(YN): He's coming! Emporio go with Anastasia!

(YN) tosses Emporio to Anastasia and catches him as C-Moon throws some punches at them and for JoJo and (YN) to dodge its punches and to use their stands against him...

Stone Free: Ora!

Fulgore: Muda!

Stone Free lands a kick to C-Moon's gut and Fulgore to land an uppercut...

Emporio: Woah they did!

But then, C-Moon quickly throws some punches at (YN)'a right hand again and Jolyne's leg multiple times and for their body parts starting to turn inside out...

Jolyne: AGH!!


Anastasia: Jolyne!!

Emporio: O-Oh no!!

(YN): ...Relax Emporio, don't panic now.

Jolyne: Yeah, if we get turned inside our every time he lands a hit on us...

(YN): Then that means we have to let him hit us again so we can flip ourselves back to normal. He can invert us all he wants to, cause we can hit him with a reverse.

With that said, their bodies revere back to their own selfs as Jolyne uses her threads to stitch her and (YN)'s wounds as C-Moon rush after them, Jolyne and (YN) started to move around and avoid being hit by C-Moon at all costs even if it take a slight punch as well, the two work together to use their stands against C-Moon, but they notice his movements of him dodging their attack by a millimeter, which means it a remote control stand, which means Pucci is around so where watching the fight, in other words, his stand movements are so accurate he is watching every attack that is happening and to dodge it. But where could he be? ....C-Moon then lunches the building their standing on, for it to be inverted inside out and to be destroyed and (YN) to fall down and Jolyne to get her foot stuck on a metal frame...

Jolyne: No!! Stone Free!!

Jolyne uses her threads to extend them and catch (YN) from falling, and for the thread to go up and to wrap C-Moon's neck around, and dropping him down, choking him as Jolyne and (YN) he's onto him down...

Anastasia: The hell!? Jolyne what are you doing!?

Jolyne: What does sir look like!? (YN), I know you could've use Fulgore to stop yourself from falling, but I did this for a reason! So right now, don't let go of the rope, okay? With your weight tightening the rope down, the stand is being held down and the life choked the hell out of him. And he doesn't have the power to fight back!

(YN): Uh I can see that, but one problem: if it even manages to to grab onto your threads with his hands before it gets choked! If it gets a hold onto them, it'll get inverted and break away!

Jolyne: I know, but there is no running away now! With this rope around his neck, we finally have a chance to end him! And for the record, I'm not actually trying to choke it. I'm just trying to get it closer so I can pummel him to the pavement!

(YN): But if it tried to touch your thread and when it gets invert, not only your thread will be dispose, but also your entire arm you're using is gonna be turned inside out and blown into pieces! *Just as I expected from her, she isn't the type to give up like that and finds a way even if I tell her to stop!* Then do it quickly, hurry up and get your foot out of that metal frame before it's too late!

C-Moon then manage to grab the thread...

Emporio: Ah!! It grab the rope already!!

Jolyne: Not yet, I still have time! My thread could still hold on out! I won't fit it until I have to!

(YN): Then hurry it up, JoJo!


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