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With Jolyne (YN) Ermes and Emporio escape the prison for good to go after Pucci before he arrive to where he will achieve heaven, we then take a glimpse back to the prison, as we see Anastasia and Weather good as ever, unfortunately Weather had to break the bad news to Anastasia about Jolyne and them leaving the prison for good...

Anastasia: Wait hold up, back up Weather, what..did you say?!

Weather: Jolyne's gone, she's no longer in the women's ward, not even in her own cell. I can feel it in the air, she's finally free. My guess she pulled off a prison break. Also, (YN), Ermes and Emporio alongside as well. My guess, they broke out to go after the priest.

Anastasia: ...You've got to be joking! (YN) is with her?!

Weather: Is that a problem?

Anastasia: Of course it is! Maybe that's why my beloved Jolyne escape cause of him, he took her away from me!

Weather: Please, you're being foolish.

Anastasia: No! He's the one being the fool! He knows precisely our deal about me helping Jolyne and then making her my bride! He thinks he can just take my Jolyne away with it?! Hell no!

Weather: ...You do realize she doesn't feel the same, right?

Anastasia: Of course she does! I mean...she has to, I've helped her way more than that dickhead (YN)! ...Right?

Weather stood quiet and didn't bother answering Anastasia at all...all he can do is walk away, but Anastasia stops him, but as he did, he pulls his shirt slight from the back...and yet to see a star shape birthmark as well, almost as similar as Jolyne's, and almost as the green baby that it has too...

Anastasia: A birthmark star shape??! Just like Jolyne's, and the green baby!

Weather: ....

Anastasia: ...Weather, who the hell exactly you really are? That birthmark, Jolyne's mother bears a mark that shares the shape as well too. You better think hard if you don't remember...but I take a guess that the priest also stole your memories as well, and can't remember how you even ended in Green Dolphin here, right?

Weather: ...He's my enemy, that's all I can say. I need to learn the truth, so that's why I'm also braking out of here, to find him and end him. So, what will you do?

Anastasia: ...If you're going after the priest like Jolyne, then I'm coming! If we meet up, I'll make sure to marry her at the spot, right I didn't of (YN)'s ugly ass face!

Weather: ...That I gotta see, but with that being said then, let's move then.

Later that day, with Jolyne and the others making their way to wherever Jolyne is going, Weather and Anastasia going to break out prison as well, we then take a look back at Pucci. It was now night time, Pucci was walking down the road, still tired and in pain from the powers he's obtain from the green baby...

Pucci: I have a well till I'm born a new. And still in terrible physical condition. Just five more days until the new moon. Guess I can wait it out in this town. Also, I'll need to keep Jolyne and her friends away at all costs....(YN) as well....damn it, why did I get the feeling we meet again, it won't turn out good this time !? That punch I gave home wasn't enough, and don't want to hurt him badly, but I just...I...I can't..kill my own son! But...reaching heaven, is truly what I wish for! ...What am I going to do about that?

Suddenly, police motorbikes started to pass him by, and so as an ambulance as they arrive to the hospital that's close by. Pucci heard the medics talking as they were taking out the bodies that were of them is going into cardiac arrest, to be a burglar of course, shot in the leg by an officer and then to proceed to jump off the sixth floor of a building. Another one happens to be a driver punk, he drove against the flow of traffic and slammed into the median strip. And another one who happens to be a drug addict, and to be into shock. As the medics rush to take the bodies in, the one that got shot in the leg, the bullet comes off, the other one that is a punk driver, it's ring fell off, and the drug addict, a coin drops too. All three of them drop and roll towards Pucci at the same time...he was concern about it, and wanted to see who these people are that are hurt...but suddenly, one of them, the drug addict, woke up and to rush Pucci behind, and to point a pair of scissors towards his neck, holding him hostage...

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