Chp.47 C-Moon Pt.3

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As we left off, Emporio has received a text message from Jocelyn Kujo, who she currently is making her way down here and has confirm that Jolyne is alive due of her feeling her presence still, and Pucci aware of it too as Pucci makes a run for down the visiting center building to go looking for her...

Pucci: What's going on!? Jolyne Cujoh! Her heart should've been turned inside out! C-Moon's gravitational powers should have destroyed her completely! How in the world she is still alive?! I have to put an end to this for good! The Joestar bloodline is something I must overcome, no matter what it takes! *Im well aware she doesn't have the capability to move her body, but how is she still alive?! Did I somehow miss her vital points by accident?! No, without a doubt I landed on her heart and should've turn inside out! Could this be....the Joestar bloodline and the damn blood of that damn Kujo!? Is that what is trying to hinder the plan that DIO and I been working to achieve!?*

Pucci made it outside of the building and yet doesn't spot Jolyne...

Pucci: It's imperative that I end Jolyne Cujoh here. No matter what lengths I got to. All the times she's interfered  with my plan, have been test to my path to heaven! I know I can do this, I'm Father Pucci. I am the one who walks the path with fate on my side, our plan goes beyond petty feelings of justice, DIO and I will succeed...whether (YN) likes it or not!  There is no soul in this world capable of getting in our way!

Pucci then started to make his way to go looking for Jolyne, he passes by everything that has been hanging on a thread to fall horizontally and people as well...he stops and to spot a piece of rip clothing hanging on towards glass shatters from the window...

Pucci: She's there, that's a scrap of her own clothing. Meaning, it's likely she wound up falling into this for whoever's been sneaking up to me behind, I suggest you not come close.

Pucci looks back, and to see (YN) arriving and appearing to him, he was hanging onto a pole, glaring down at Pucci with such rage and hatred to his own father, Pucci emits C-Moon out, and so as (YN) emitting Fulgore out...

Pucci: If I were you (YN), I would not come any closer or do something foolishness you'll regret. You don't lose a threat to me, not even a little.

(YN): ...But I do.

Then suddenly....(YN) slowly stood up on his feet, and to slowly walk down to the ground, which Pucci then was dismayed to see him walk on to the gravitational force with no problems of falling at all, C-Moon rushes as land a punch, but Fulgore blocks it and gets a hold of it, not letting him go at all...

Pucci: Impossible! How is it you're able to walk on the gravitational force?! You should be falling!

(YN): ...Fun Fact: My stand Fulgore, has the ability to scan the movement and abilities in fighting combat of another stand, he can impress/duplicates the abilities, movements and fighting combat the enemy stand can do, much better as well. You're catching up, right "father"?

Pucci: N-No! No!!

(YN): I manage to quickly scan your precious
C-Moon in seconds, so whatever you and C-Moon can do, I can do it too.

Pucci: ...(Y-YN), please, you don't have to do this, just walk away from this! I don't want to hurt you-

(YN): Oh you hurt me plenty enough "father"! Don't give me that fucking shit, after what you did to me back at the prison, everything you did, and you really think I will expect from you not wanting to hurt me?!

Pucci then started to feel a bit emotional the fact he was trying his very best not to fully hurt his own son, but the guilt keeps holding him much more..

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