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Meanwhile, at the island, Jolyne (YN) and Anastasia arrive to this little land after Yo Yo Ma was no more, and now, all they need is to find the green baby, which it fell to the lake, Anastasia and (YN) tried looking for it, Jokyne using her threaded to see up the gaping holes from her tongue, and also to surprisingly spot the Green Baby making a run for, crawling away...

Jolyne: Guys look! It's over there, crawling away!

(YN): Huh, so it has a will then, that means...

Anastasia: It might move by a instinct.

Jolyne: I don't know if it's a plant, but we have to stop it now! Cause if White Snake gets a hold of it, we're fucked.

Jolyne makes a run for it to go after the baby, as she does, (YN) stops her...

(YN): Jolyne wait!

Jolyne: Huh?? What?

(YN): ...Whatever you do, don't take another step, slowly walk towards us.

Anastasia: Yes, walk towards me so I can see those eyes of yours-

(YN): Can it pinkie!

Jolyne: But the green child, it's gonna get away, I have to catch it!

(YN): No Jolyne don't!

Anastasia: Don't Jolyne!

The two make a run for to Jolyne, as they do, (YN) grabs her arm and to pull her away, and for some reason, Jolyne notices (YN)'a height wasn't normal at all once he pulled her to his spot...

Jolyne: W-Woah (YN), the hell happen to your height?!

Anastasia: Not just that, that was you earlier when yo got close to the baby.

Jolyne: Wait seriously!?

(YN) slowly started following the green baby, as he began to shrink little by little...

(YN): Yeah...Jolyne, how big is everything from your perspective right now?

Jolyne: Normal, same as before, but've suddenly shrunk, like you're the only one instead of us, What is going on??

(YN): As I thought, from what we see, the baby looks completely at its normal size from where I am. Listen, do not move from that spot. Stay right there.

(YN) then slowly backs to Jolyne...and yet surprisingly to return to his normal height size...

Jolyne: Woah! You're back to your size! ...I see, so this just be that baby's powers? Like, the closer we get to it, the smaller we get, right?

(YN): I really have no idea.

Anastasia: The questions can be hard to answer.

(YN): Yeah, so here's a little theory about it: If one of us go half to the distance towards the baby, our heigh gets cut in half, then of course have to walk twice as far. Furthermore, if we get a quarter of the way to it, then the walk distance is multiplied by 4th, likewise an eight of the way will make it eight times fatter for us to reach.

Jolyne: Yare Yare Dawa, do we even have a chance to get to the baby??

(YN): ...I guess not, but still, we don't want the baby to be near or get caught by White Snake.

Jolyne: I agree, I don't care what happens, I need to get mom's memory disc!

(YN): Right behind you!

Jolyne and (YN) make a run for after the baby, as Anastasia stood there for A bit...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now