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Out of nowhere...(YN) suddenly was the one that stopped time! Then, a menacing tall shadow figurine was standing behind (YN), red eyes black out and making a low time roaring mechanic sound, like a robot sounding like it's growling...he then walks freely with time stopped by him, he moves the bullets, saving Jolyne and he did, he looks directly at Jocelyn...

(YN): That guy that said Jolyne mother's name, way. Did I..found the one that killed my father?? But..why?? She didn't seem like a threat at, this ability I'm using...this is way the same like father's stand....I'm gonna find that out now...but first, I gotta deal with this bastard first.

(YN) approaches to Johngalli A, as he did, the shadow figurine behind (YN) lifts its arms...and yet to emit neon blue blade out from his wrists, and to swing and slice Johngalli A's chest, to finish him off for he did and to turn back to Jolyne and her mother, he realizes that Jocelyn was looking directly at him...

(YN): She's looking at me directly??! How?! ...I see now, she must've know that I'm currently using her own stand's ability to stop time...guess it's time for an explanation then...Toki wa ugoki dasu.

And with that said, (YN) resumes time back, and for Johngalli A to scream in pain and blood splatting out from his chest from the stabs he got from (YN), he falls down to the ground as he coughs blood out as well...and then to die...and his stand to vanish for good...

Jolyne: H-Huh??! The hell happen?! (YN)?! How did you get over there?? W-Wait Mom!! You're hurt, are you...o-okay..??

Jolyne sees her mother giving off a shocked unsettling fear reaction, starting down at (YN) somehow...

Jolyne: H-Hey! What's wrong now?! You've look like you're scared shitless, what is it??! Why are you looking at (YN) like that??!

Jocelyn: H-How...How..?!!?

Jolyne: What??

Jocelyn: How...does he knows that technique?! There's now way...!!

Jolyne: Wh-What are you saying...?! (YN), what is she talking about, what happen?!

(YN) stood he slowly turns around, starring at both of them, and for the shadow figurine behind him to reveal himself as his own stand, menacingly tall,  joints, gears, circuitry, wires, and tubes being exposed along its entire body, eyes red glowing still and to quietly growl at, his stand ms name is Fulgore...(YN) stops, looks and says...

(YN): ...Za Warudo...quiet the technique you have, Mrs.Kujo.

Jolyne: Wh-What's going on...what are you doing??! have a stand too?!

Jocelyn: (Y-YN), how do you know that technique?!

(YN): ...My stand, Fulgore has great strength and endurance, amazing speed's ability is to allow to mimic any fighting abilities towards other stands, for example like your Star Platinum, when you used it for a glimpse, my stand quickly scanned your stand for its abilities and fighting skills...also, I knew this technique already back I was young, and I probably think you know who ELSE uses that technique, don't you?

Jocelyn's eyes widen with know what was (YN) talking about and who he was referring too...she knew somebody else that uses Za Warudo as was many years ago, the one and only enemy that was hunting down her grandmother, hunting the Joestar bloodline, and the one that poison her own mother with a stand too...and was killed by her husband...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now