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We then left off, and to witness Pucci archive Heaven at last! His whole body started to burst out glimpse of light, as the heaven has chosen him .

Pucci: Just now when Jocelyn threw the spear at me, I felt it! Her actions directed to me in place! The ones who have been raising me up to heaven, for those who share the blood of the Joestar's!

Jolyne, Jocelyn (YN) and everyone witness to see Pucci achieving heaven at the space shuttle, as Anastasia then seals up aside on the space shuttle without Pucci noticing...

Anastasia: It's over Pucci! Diver Down!

As he use his stand to strike a punch at Pucci...he arm started to feel weird...and for it to open wide and a burst of light to pop out as well, and then a stand appear out of it....

and for it to open wide and a burst of light to pop out as well, and then a stand appear out of it

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Anastasia: Wh-What the hell!?!!

Pucci: My stand C-Moon is no longer! The time for heaven has arrived at last! It has been completed! The gravitational coursing through my entire body!!!

The light out of Pucci's body bursts out more and more...and to shine all over the area...
Afterwards...everything was quiet...and Jolyne and the other were then to slowly rise up...

Jolyne: What the?

She then heard the TV news...

TV: Good afternoon. The accident on the State Highway 405 at Cape Canaveral, with casualty numbers estimated to be between one and two thousands, with initial thought to be caused by a collapse. The situation seems to be more complicated. More updates to this story after the break.

Ermes: Wh-What the hell?! What happen!?

Jolyne: Wait, where is Anastasia?!

Anastasia: I-I'm fine. Glad you're worried about me, Jolyne-

Jolyne: I'm just relief you're okay, nothing else.

Anastasia: But of course.

(YN): More importantly, my dad made a run for! He engulfed in light and vanished. We have to hurry and find that shuttle right now!

Jocelyn: No, I don't think it was the shuttle that disappeared, it was us that move. It seems that we shifted about 200 meters away from it. I don't know how, but we were in that building over there a minute ago.

Ermes: Well, don't mean to be a jerk here Jocelyn, but I remembered if I were to be blown away. No else saw anything like that?

Emporio: My guess is that we were moved by the reversed gravity.

(YN): Good theory, but not likely. The gravitational effect has already worn off back there.

Anastasia: Yes, and I heard that C-Moon is no longer the priest's stand anymore. So where is he? Jolyne, can you sense him??

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now