Chp.18 A Surprise Reunion

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As we left off...Lang Rangler has been defeated by (YN) and Fulgore, him and Jolyne make their way to the courtyard....but before they even do, they suddenly stumble upon an unknown person, who isn't a guard, nor a prisoner. He is more likely to be a priest father, and he is none other than Enrico Pucci, and as they stumbled upon him, he then gave a surprisingly astonish reaction...and Jolyne to be surprised as well to expect a guard...

Jolyne Mind: Wait, this isn't a guard, nor a prisoner...this man's more like a priest...he's a father! But what's one like him doing here??!

Jolyne notices Pucci directly starring at (YN) with the exact astonishing look on his face, and for (YN) to look shock by seeing him...then Pucci speaks...

Pucci: My goodness, could that be really you?!!? My god...(YN), my son is!

Jolyne Mind: Huh?! The priest knows (YN)?! But how?! Does (YN) even-

(YN): F-Father...Pucci?!

Jolyne Mind: WHAAT?!? they know each other!?

Pucci slowly approaches to (YN) and to observe him closer...

Pucci: By the heavens, could this be you (YN), if I am not wrong.

(YN): Y-Yeah, it's me father! (YN)!

Pucci: O-Ooh!! Oooh how delightful! Praise the lord!

Both Pucci and (YN) gracefully hugs each other with such joy...

Pucci: Oh (YN)! It is so wonderful to see you again my dear boy!

(YN): It's good to see you too father!

Pucci: My just, wow! Look at you, you're all grown up! My word, the last time I saw you you were still my little boy.

(YN): Heh, you have no idea how far I've come. But, why are you in here father?? Did you do something horrible??!

Pucci: Oh son, even a priest like me gets punished by god as well, I was allege to "fraudulently altered a medical document and caused to be tendered in the District Court on an appeal".

(YN): Heh, man that's wild.

With that said...Jolyne has figured that this priest, Pucci and (YN) somewhat knows each other, or to say related knowing the fact Pucci may have raised him...

Jolyne Mind: So the priest and (YN) know each other know, never I'd seen (YN) be so happy to see someone like the priest, guess he raised him while his mom was behind bars??

Pucci notices Jolyne...

Pucci: *This girl...if I'm not wrong as well, this girl is Jolyne Cujoh! And...(YN) is with her?? And he's somewhat disguising as a guard??* (YN), if I may ask son, you work here as a guard as well??

(YN): O-Oh this?? Uuhh yeah, yeah! That's right father, believe it or not, I work as a guard now...and also...this is the place...where my mother...well...

Pucci: *gasps* You mean to tell me your mother was sent here?! ...don't tell me she...

(YN): ...Yeah, I was contacted by them and told me what happen.

Pucci: Oh (YN), my sweet dear boy, I am very sorry to hear that, in peace she will both lie down and sleep; for her alone, O' lord make her dwell in safety, may her soul rest, truly sorry to hear that my son.

(YN): Thank you for your words Father.

Pucci: My pleasure....but I must ask son, who is she? *Even though I know who she is, I just act like I don't.*

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now