Chp.10 Was there Six Of Us??

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As we left off, Jolyne, (YN) and Ermes found a storehouse up ahead, as (YN)'s stand, Fulgore was emitted to notice the storehouse there isn't right at all, so they go and check it out. As they got there, they see two other inmates from the search party there, (YN) tells them to go look another place while he Jolyne and Ermes take care of the storehouse....and so, they entree the storehouse, and surprisingly in luck, they found what they were looking, the tractor that has the disks hidden there...

Jolyne: There! It's the same color and tractor we saw on the disk earlier.

(YN): Same number too, 4. They should be in that tire. If we can remove it, the disks gotta be inside.

Suddenly, the guard appears with the motor bike...

Guard: Listen carefully! We will now be searching to the marshland! It's possible that the two inmates were attacked by gators and drowned! Now get swimming!

Purple Hair Inmate: Woah Woah Woah, just who exactly do you think is getting that water? Cause it ain't me!

Guard: Let's go!!

The guards drove off and to yet drive on the water...

Purple Hair Inmate: Give me a break, if he wants us to go there, then he's asking for disease.

Black Hair Inmate: This is so annoying.

Jolyne: Okay, we don't have time, let's quickly take the tire off.

(YN): Okay.

As Jolyne and (YN) were about to take off the tire...Ermes began to feel...unsettled and worried...

Ermes: Hey you two...I think somethings wrong here, real strange and bizarre.

(YN): What is it??

Ermes: Don't you remember what the chief said when we started? He mentioned five people, before we left, he definitely said "Five is good enough" and what I'm six of us!

Jolyne and (YN) take a look at the other female inmates, the black hair one, blonde hair one, purple hair one....and a green short hair one???

(YN): Wait a tick...four over there and two of you here...holy shit there is six of us! They should be five only. But I didn't took a good look at their faces though.

Jolyne: Me neither, I was so focused on running.

Ermes: Yeah, and they all are wearing the handcuffs as well.

Then, the short green hair inmate spoke...and sounded worried too...

Green Hair Inmate: This is weird

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Green Hair Inmate: This is weird...were there always six of us here??

Jolyne and them notice her being suspicious about this as well...they walk up to her and talk with her...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now