Chp.13 Enter Miraschon: The Debt Collector Pt.1

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-Next Day-

The next day, at the prison, it was free time for the inmates, as for Jolyne, she, Ermes and FF were together hanging out, (YN) as well to pretend he keeping an eye out on them...(YN) walks up to Jolyne and sits down with her...

(YN): Hey Jolyne.

Jolyne: Oh, hey (YN).

(YN): So, Ermes told me that you asked FF to hid your mother's disc somewhere else. I mean after all the time we had to take the effort to get it, look I'm just saying it okay?

Jolyne: I'm sure of it (YN), I can't drag FF into my mess that bad.

(YN): Yeah, I hear ya.

Jolyne looks and sees Ermes giving a smug look, as Ermes does some hand movement, telling Jolyne to make her first move on (YN)...Jolyne looks and to gently blush...she knows that she's already knew (YN) for some days, but then again...she could use some time to get with someone, knowing her first live set her up why not move she takes a deep breathe...and to sit properly, legs crossed...

Jolyne: So, Ahem, (YN), nice day today, isn't it?

(YN): Eh? Oh, yeah, pretty sunny, good I guess.

Jolyne: Hehe, yup! Sunny....anyways, I've been meaning to ask you.

(YN): Yeah? What's up??

Jolyne: Well...*Come on, think of something pretty kind to say! He's got a cute face-no! It'll be awkward! Uh, what can I even say to start off a hood chat with him!!* ....You...You have a cool stand!

(YN): ...

Jolyne Mind: *dumb bitch! Is that all you can say?! Now he's gonna think I'm saying weird shit!!*.

(YN): ...Fulgore is cool, I mean he's a robot, Mimic any fighting abilities from other stands, emit cool blades, and also can shoot lazer beams too.

Jolyne: Really??!

(YN): Heh, you betcha, but the downside is, When Fulgore shoots, it takes one hell of a time to recharge, so it's gonna be use a matter of time when something goes to shit.

Jolyne: Oooh, ok.

(YN): Yeah, but...your stand seems cool too, was is it, Stone Free you call it??

Jolyne: O-Oh! Yeah, it's not that great actually-

(YN): You kidding me?? The way you can extend threads from your body and punch hard like my stand, how is it not cool, it's awesome!

Jolyne: O-Oh!! Psh, of course it is! I was meant to say that.

The two chuckles together...Jolyne began to feel bit more comfortable around (YN) now...then suddenly, one of her threads appear out from her finger, and slowly slide around (YN) and to then pull him towards her closer...

(YN): Woah. Uh, Jolyne??

Jolyne: S-Sorry!! I didn't mean to, let me just-

She try to bring her thread back in her finger, but made it worse as she then tangelos herself and (YN) together up...Jolyne then manage to free themselves, and for Jolyne to trip and (YN) to catch her from her back...

(YN): I got you

Jolyne blushes and can feel her sides being grabbed by (YN) when he catches her from falling...

Jolyne Mind: Oh shit...he's actually kinda cute up close. And...he's touching me! Romeo didn't touch me like this but (YN)...this is a different feels-

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now