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We then take a look back at the was dark already, we sadly know that FF has been "eliminated" by White Snake....Pucci orders White Snake to go and read FF's memory disc to find where Jolyne White Snake tried to do so, suddenly, the two heard some static sounds coming close, and White Snake to find a walkie talkie on the ground busted...and someone started talking...

???: Hello? Talk to me FF. What happen? Answer me, or you can't hear me?

White Snake: *Wh...Why is there a radio all of the sudden here?? Who is it talking? I need to know.* Who can it be??

???: Ah, I understand's a situation where you can't respond, I just left the medical wing.

White Snake: WHAT?! No, that bastard, it's Weather Forecast!!! I knew it!!

Suddenly, it's started to rain, knowing that if Weather is in that walkie talkie speaking, then he must've be close, using his stand powers to rain around Pucci and White Snake, helping FF out this whole time...and also to find out White Snake's true self.

White Snake: It's raining?! Why now!? No wait-

White Snake realizes with actual rain water, it manage to bring FF back alive, she manage to get half of her upper body to work and to crawl away with her disc on...

White Snake: Damn, you bitch! She must've gotten Weather Forecast to create this rain storm! I'm coming after her, she isn't going anywhere...!!

White Snake tried to go after FF...but can't, to realize the rain storm started to become more harder and blowing gust of wind too..and slowly fog started to appear around...

White Snake: D-Damn! I cannot..see! Where did she go!? No, now...there's fog too!

Pucci: N-No, this..this can't, this can't be! That wrench, she blew my cover! And what's worse...Weather Forecast knows who I am too!!

Pucci started to panic the fact his plan started to get ruin again...and the fact FF has flee away from him to go after Jolyne to expose to him on not only her, but to (YN) as well, to his own son...he then started counting prime numbers to calm himself down...

Pucci: 5..509....521...all prime numbers can't be divided. The reason people succumb to because of their shame, so shame it can get them killed...because of shame, guilt and disgrace that make one regret their past actions. People become helpless and weak, and cave in. It wasn't a mistake that I notice that voice in the walkie talkie....the only saving grace now is Jolyne and (YN) still didn't know who I really am. Therefore nothing has changed...yet. I haven't completely lost her sight the genuine Victor, is the one who can conquer and control all living beings....please God, give me strength and hope, and not have my own son found out from the trouble I'm causing, I cannot bear to do the unthinkable things and horrible actions I have to force myself to do if he finds out, I don't know what will that boy think...surely he has to try understand....he has to.


Meanwhile, back at the grass land, Jolyne (YN) and Anastasia have the green baby with them, Jolyne holding it of course...Jolyne then approaches to (YN) with it...

Jolyne: Hey (YN).

(YN): Hey JoJo, Childs still clinging at you still?

Jolyne: Yeah, little goblin here really attach to me.

(YN): Heh.

Jolyne: Hehe....but hey, I appreciate that guy Anastasia helping me out, but also can be a weirdo and got no idea what he wants from me, but you, I owe a huge debt of gratitude, you are why I made it this far, without you or if we haven't met, then I wouldn't even have last longer.

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now