Chp.4 The Mysterious Kid

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Couple days have pass now, Jolyne has now everything under control so far, she can now take care of herself thanks to manifesting a stand power, Stone Free, now the only thing she has to do is get out of prison, and has to wait day at lunch, Gwess, who she is now cool with Jolyne, talked to her about how things run here at Green Dolphin Street Prison, only way to get them to get on their food side is to pay up cash...which Jolyne can easily do, their maybe some that can be a bitch, but no worry, Jolyne will take care of one day, it was dawn and to be night any the reading room, Jolyne had to make sure about her surrounding still, didn't matter if she's in a safe place or not, trouble can still come...she then walks over to a gate way that's close, and seem to be dark out there the hallway...and as she approaches close to exit and head to her cell....she then saw a random baseball, rolling...and surprisingly a random kid with a baseball uniform rushes to get his baseball...and vanished from the dark...

Jolyne: Wh-Wha?!! Was that...a kid?! Here!!??!

Then, she heard a kids voice...

Mysterious Kid: Tomorrow Noon...

Jolyne turns and sees the kid at the other side, holding his baseball...

Jolyne turns and sees the kid at the other side, holding his baseball

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Mysterious Kid: A visitor will come and see you tomorrow noon, must not meet them. No matter what, you absolutely must not go to the visiting room. If you're not the only one you'll be affected...something even more unfortunate than death will occur!

And then, he vanished again from the dark...

Jolyne: Wh-What?! What the hell is a child even doing here?!

Guard: Hey bitch!

A guard appears holding his baton...

Guard: When I say stand back, you stand back ya hear?! Now get back!!

Jolyne: H-Hey!! Let me out! I saw a-OW!!

The guard with no hesitation strikes Jolyne with his baton, hitting her fingers as she backs away...

Guard: You listen when I say to not grab on the bars!

The guard opens the gate and again to sticker Jolyne again, knocking her down...
Meanwhile, at the other side of the jail, we see the men's prison the showers, we see this odd looking guy, grayish long hair, taking a shower, and he seemingly seems to be blind I guess and has tattoos behind his back...

in the showers, we see this odd looking guy, grayish long hair, taking a shower, and he seemingly seems to be blind I guess and has tattoos behind his back

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Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now