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With Jolyne and (YN) knowing the enemy stand, White Snake, who's taken Jocelyn's stand and soul as well, and knowing hes roaming around in prison, somewhere in the men's prison and recruiting enemies in there to help him out...Jolyne and (YN) then notices a help from Emporio as well, he tells them that a inmate, Ermes too has her own stand, and has encountered someone who worked with White Snake, Thunder McQueen,

Jolyne and (YN) then notices a help from Emporio as well, he tells them that a inmate, Ermes too has her own stand, and has encountered someone who worked with White Snake, Thunder McQueen,

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Jolyne placed McQueen's disk in her head, and to see a vision of him hiding a bunch of disks somewhere around the farm not far from prison here...with that said, Jolyne and (YN) must head to that farm and find that barn house that the disks are hidden, one with Jocelyn's stand as well...but in order to do that, first, (YN) must disguise himself a police guard for not to get caught, so he uses one of the guard's clothes that was killed by Johngalli A, hiding the body as well, and to put on the uniform and disguise as one...

(YN): Well at least it fits me.

Jolyne: Mm, just make sure you don't blow the cover, or else they'll quickly find out.

(YN): Gotcha.

Jolyne: Okay, just play along, I heard we have a meeting at the entrance of the prison. Let's go.

(YN): Right behind you.

(YN) played to be the guard as he takes Jolyne over to the other female inmates and talk about what was going of the officers announce that this early morning, two of the inmates were working on the e farm and suddenly disappeared without a trace, they don't know how they were able to escape, but they know how to find them. They will have a search party, so they want to know who will go, and Jolyne and (YN) notice that they'll head to a barn, where the disks are being hidden, so Jolyne joins the search, along with three other inmates, and one who happens to be Ermes surprisingly...with 5 of them, another guard appears and will join along...

Guard: Alright! In order for you five inmates from preventing to escape, we got these bracelets. All inmates going to the farm must wear them. We call them "Like a Virgins" but also known as "Invisible Bars".

The guards hand the bracelets to the inmates that are going to the farm...

Guard: I'll say this once: if you hit with any force or slice them or take them off, they will explode immediately. So I have the base one on me, if you go any more than 50 meters away from me, they'll detonate. So-

(YN): U-Uh sir!

Guard: Hm?? What is rookie??

(YN): It would be okay if I joined you? I mean, you know, to make sure these inmates do their work on the search party, don't ya think?

Guard: Hmmm, very well then. Bring them up to the gate.

The guard walks over to the gate and (YN) to bring them up to them...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now