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As we then left off, (YN) and FF need a way to help Jolyne, who she was sent to ultimate security lockdown at some building that is far that needs a vehicle to get there, but (YN) doesn't have that kind of permission to go there, although he is a guard, dressed up as one, but doesn't have that kind of permission to go either way, so he asks Anastasia for help, at first he didn't wanted to...but until he mentions about Jolyne in trouble, he then helps out, and wants to protect her and Mary her till the very end...which is weird, and yet confuses and bothers (YN), Anastasia uses the guard's badge card to enter another gate, ask to use Diver Down's arms and legs through the wall to climb and to cut off the cameras, but (YN) and FF shows up as (YN) uses Fulgore to slice them off with an instant...

Anastasia: Oh? You're coming as well? Don't worry yourself, I got this.

FF: Not so fast buddy, reminder that (YN) give the orders and make the decision about this help plan. Sure he ask your assistance, but that doesn't put you in charge as well.

(YN): Also, if White Snake is trying to eliminate Jolyne as I keep telling you, he may actually have sent some assassins to the cell she's in, or maybe more. He probably made more than 5 stand users to go after her and take her out. Now you and I, and FF are gonna track them down, kick their asses and come straight here, got it?

Anastasia: Hmph, fine, but don't forget, (YN), I'm only made a deal with you helping about Jolyne and I getting married, so you better try not to double cross me-

(YN): Okay I'm going to stop you right there friend. I only ask your help to help Jolyne, not to help her and for you to marry her.

Anastasia then walks up to (YN)...

Anastasia: Oh? Are you trying to stop me from marrying her?!

(YN): Well no shit I am! Why the hell you think she wants to marry you?!

Anastasia: Because I'm gonna help her and respect everything's she's doing that's why. That is why, so you have a problem with it, deal with it.

(YN): Nrgh, listen here pinkie pie, and get this through you thick head; no way in hell your marrying her!

Anastasia: Or what?! *summons Diver Down*

(YN): *Summons Fulgore*

The two glare at each other, as well as their stands, as FF stands in between...

FF: Hey Heh, chill out! Look Criss Cross, I still don't know what the fuck you're talking about marrying Jolyne, you don't even know her that well, (YN) does, and the way I see it, (YN) likes Jolyne.

(YN): *flustering* F-FF!

FF: What?? I mean these past days when you two are together talking other than rescuing her mother and finding White Snake, y'all seem to talk a lot.

(YN): Yeah, but-

FF: So that's means y'all like each other, no?

(YN): ....You're not helping.

FF: ??

Anastasia: Hmph, as I thought, now quit wasting my time and let's go help Jolyne.

Anastasia walks over to another gate that happens to be open...

(YN): That fucking guy...

FF: Man, he's serious about marrying her-


FF: Well no shit, you're def gonna marry her, right?

(YN): *facepalms* Good grief...

FF: I you like JoJo??

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now