Chp.52 The Righteous Showdown

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And the time has now come, Pucci and (YN) are about to settle the score towards each other, and (YN) made sure he won't hold back, hold a grudge on his father, nor will hesitate at all, and that goes for Pucci as well...the two had their stands out, and to float up to to the air more higher, stop, glare at each other...and then to charge at each other and to cause a huge collision towards each other...



They started throwing rapid barrage punches towards each other as Pucci manage to land a punch to (YN), (YN) quickly shoves off the punch and to spin and land a kick towards Pucci's neck, sending him away and to go after him, Pucci recovers and to then fly away as (YN) started chasing him down...Pucci turns around and to pull out knives from his clothing...

Pucci: Have this!!

Pucci tosses the knives to (YN) with an in steamer speed (YN) barely see them, he uses Fulgore to deflect them away, but to have one of them stab him on the shoulder, but shrugs it off and goes after Pucci, the two again clash towards each other and to start flying around the ocean and to then rush over to the city of Orlando, the two again throw rapid punches to each other, as they land a punch towards each others fist, it cause a huge impact and sent each other flying crashing through buildings, Pucci was the first one to recover as he then falls and lands on the ground on feet and to pull more knives out and tossing them at (YN), (YN) manage to dodged them, which gave him a little distraction and Pucci to rush behind him, (YN) quickly turns around as Pucci swings a brutal slice cut as (YN) manage to block it but to have his arms get cuts and bleed them...Pucci again goes for another but (YN) then tackles Pucci through a building and then another and another and then to toss him to the ground, Fulgore opens his chest and to then charge up a laser beam and to blast it out and to try hitting Pucci as Pucci rushes around the roads to avoid the laser beam it's chasing him...

Pucci Mind: Damn! The attack I gave him should've weaken him, and still fights!!?

Pucci kept rushing away from the beam as it then stop, he goes rushing to (YN), but not to be seen at all...

Pucci: What?! Where did he-

(YN)/Fulgore: Muda!!!

He appears behind him without noticing and lands a punch to Pucci's face...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Fulgore throws rapid punches to Pucci and to throw one last punch to his chest, sending him flying crashing on the road...(YN) goes after him, as the smoke clears away, he already notice he isn't around after crashing to the floor, he then sense several knives rushing towards him behind, he quickly turns and to Use Fulgore to deflect them away, but again it was a distraction for him as Made In Heaven rushes at (YN) and to strike a brutal punch to his chest, and can here the bones cracking and to spat blood out, and Pucci floating above him...

Pucci: Do you really think you still got what it takes, (YN)?!

(YN) then glares at Pucci as Fulgore rushes towards Pucci behind and to move away, but to realize (YN) then quickly flips and lands a kick to to his face...

Fulgore: Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!

Pucci was blocking Fulgore's punches, and they became to feel more aggrieve and more faster than before, he can barely keep his guard up, but Fulgore manage to break his defense down and throw some punches at Pucci and Made In Heaven, afterwards, he emits his blade out and swing it at Pucci, as he only manage to cut his chest slightly open...

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