Chp.16 Enter Lang Rangler Pt.1

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As we left off, Emporio has recruited a friend of his to help Jolyne and (YN) to investigate White Snake, Weather Report, who has no memories at all, but obviously White Snake may have stolen his memories, that is why he will help them track down White Snake and find him...but first, they must deal with an enemy that appeared, they made a run for as the enemy began to chase after them down the hallway...

Jolyne: Shit I didn't knew he was this close of us!

(YN): If he's a stand user, we're gonna have to deal with him right this second!

Emporio: Don't do it you two! If you attack, then he'll definitely know what your guys up to, it's better to hide from him, keep running! He doesn't even know you guys are making your way to the courtyard, nor doesn't know what you guys talk about on the phone, that's why he's chasing us instead of beating us to get there!

The enemy was chasing after them with hands and feet, crawling as if, running like a dog...he then spits out two white liquid bullets out from his mouth and yet to hit Jolyne and (YN) behind its leg...

Jolyne: Ew!! Just who the hell is this freak?!

(YN): Turn here!!

As they gave a turn, the enemy then also gives a turn, but as he did, the others suddenly disappeared in mere seconds, he was concern where could they he starts looking for them....but suddenly, Jolyne and them appears from a shirt that's hanging on the wall, using Emporio's ghost power...

Jolyne: Man, apparently hiding was a good idea.

(YN): Yeah, that creep doesn't have a single clue where we're even going.

Jolyne: But what the hell is up with him?! The dude was chasing us with all fours, but still, we manage to escape from him.

Emporio: Still, you guys must make your way to the courtyard as soon as possible. Look, the phone call you made through to the SpeedWagon Foundation must've been recorded, but I get the feeling White Snake already heard it through. The quicker you go, the less dangerous it'll be....(YN), you know how to get there??

(YN): Yeah, once we make a run for and make our way past to the medical wing, there's a gate for the corridor around the corner, leading the factory, also to the men's prison and reaching to the courtyard. As of right now, I'm sure nobody's on duty on the gate, so we must be on the clear.

Jolyne: Okay, that's good enough to hear, let's go!

Emporio: Wait...Jolyne...please, revive your mom, I want her back to live, back to consciousness, cause if she does so, then we might get some hope in our world.

Jolyne: ...That's what I think about too.

(YN): Well, no time to loose, let's go.

And so, Jolyne (YN) and Weather pop out from the shirt and make a run for down the hallway and to make it to the corridor gate, but as they pass by and kept running....suddenly...Jolyne began to feel...a bit weird, as if her body was losing wait, she felt like her whole body began to slowly float, and it does!

Jolyne: W-Woah!! The fuck!? Guys!!

(YN): Huh?? Jolyne!!?

Weather: !!

Jolyne: I-I'm...floating..!! I can't...get down!!

(YN): The hell how!? Look don't worry, Fulgore!!

(YN) emits Fulgore as he flies and to go get Jolyne...but as it does...suddenly, (YN) also began to feel light, and yet to float around as well with Jolyne...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now