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As we left off, Jolyne is gunned down by a guard who happens to take orders from White Snake, then suddenly, poison frogs began to rain all over thanks to Weather Forecast's stand ability...and with Pucci finding out his son, (YN), is here and to help Jolyne aid her goal to retrieve Jocelyn's stand disc back to the SWF, he has no choice but to force himself to stop (YN) to do so...outside the courtyard, Jolyne uses Stone Free's thread to cover herself from being splatter by the fluids...

Jolyne: Damn...these frogs are much just the bullet deep on my wound...shit,  not good at all, the frog's poison fluids are soaking into my thread....(YN)...please, I need your help...

Meanwhile, with Pucci, he was stuck, trying to get through the gate he tried to go, but is stuck dealing with the frogs faking above him with White Snake...

Pucci: Someone!! If anyone can hear me, open the gate! Anyone!! *Calm down, maintain your peace of mind, what should I do at a time like this? ....2, 3, 5, 7...counting prime numbers collects my thoughts, their lonely numbers that can only be divided by one themselves, it gives me courage. Damn it, the frogs fluids have ruined my 800 dollars pants...Weather Forecast must be around here, but is too far, I cannot make him stop making the frogs rain, escaping is the only viable option!*  The guard! What happen to him from the courtyard? Is he still under my control?

Pucci began to yell out the guard that was taking care of he does, the guard appears...and to what it looks like the poison has already ruined his whole body, nothing but a blob himself...

Guard: P-Please father, I need help!! Please help me!! Please spare my soul from this hell..!!!

Pucci: ...47, 53, 59...61..

Guard: I-I beg of you! Please, tell the lord to save me!

Pucci: Just calm down for a sec! Listen to me and my voice, get over here, give me your card key quickly!

Guard: I-I beg of you!!! Father!!!!!

The poison has already got him, he fully collapse to the floor and dies from the poison...and Pucci to keep remaining calm...until another guard from the other side of the gate appears...

Guard: What on earth is going on here?! Are those frogs?! Wait, Father Pucci?!

Pucci: Oh thank the heavens, please sir, I need you to open this  immediately!

Guard: O-Oh! Sure, right away father!

The guard then quickly opens the door for Pucci as he then makes his way over to the courtyard...

Pucci: The disc that contains Jocelyn Kujo's stand, Star Platinum, what should I do about it exactly? I took care of Jolyne, but cannot leave her at the courtyard. I must go over and see if she's dealt with before (YN) does...if so...I have no choice...but to force myself and to hurt him...I'm truly sorry (YN), I am.

Back at the courtyard, Jolyne's threads were soaking already, ready to rip apart so she has no choice but to rip off the thread and to fight off the frogs....but as she does, the clouds suddenly began to fade away, and yet the frogs began to stop raining....with that said, White Snake appears, alongside with Pucci in a window...

White Snake: The rain has stopped, but where is Jolyne Cujoh's lifeless body? If I found her, I should find the disc too.

Pucci: ...Search for it.

White Snake walks and to find the disk and Jolyne's body...

Pucci: White Snake's range of movement is barely 20 meters at best. I'm basically running a huge risk by even being here. If someone or (YN) sees me here, all bets are off, but there isn't other way.

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now