Chp.12 F.F. Part 2

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We then left off with FF being defeated by Jolyne and others, but, Jolyne spares FF's life, in order to do so, She and FF made a deal about helping JoJo find White Snake and retrieve her mother's stand and soul...FF, (YN) drives them over to the storehouse and to empty the tire with all the discs that were hidden...they look and Jokyne finds her mom's Star Platinum disc...

Jolyne: Found it!! We did it!! Okay, just to make sure...

Jolyne grabs and inserts Star Platinum's disc in her forehead and then...


Jolyne: Alright! I finally found the disc that contains Star Platinum!!

But then, the discs merge we out from Jolyne and to blow her away, crashing to the tractor (YN) grabs the discs and goes up to JoJo..

Ermes: Woah!!

(YN): Jolyne!! Hey, you okay?? Seems like it rejected you.

Jolyne: Yeah, it did, but it's definitely Star Platinum! Now that I have it, I can revive my mother, Jocelyn Kujo. It's finally mine.

Ermes: Yeah but, we search for her memories as well and can't find them, did we miss it somehow??

Then suddenly...something merge out from the floor, and it was the green hair inmate, Atroe, who got blown up first...

something merge out from the floor, and it was the green hair inmate, Atroe, who got blown up first

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FF: Hey, if I jump off from that window up there, will I die??

(YN): Woah!! The hell!?!

Jolyne: Y-You!!?

Ermes: How?! You got blown up!

FF: Oh! Don't worry guys, it's me, FF, your new friend. Heh, this body was the only useful one, so I used it's missing body parts and snagged this handcuff from another. I took the liking how it feels and will stay in this body for a while, although these fingers aren't usable anymore.

Jolyne: Hold on a sec, when you meant "live in her body", does that mean you'll be behind bars forever?

(YN): You do realize this inmate won't be coming out in jail depending on what charges she's got.

FF: new mission is to help you and protect you guys, and no big deal, I've access all her memories, She's Atroe, and her prison number is FE39423. Back when she was a kid, she's always dreamed of being kidnapped, so when she grew up, she kidnapped a child the way she wanted to be. She didn't even do it for ransom money or anything, she sort of did it....Oh! The puddle of water! Tasty!!

FF gets on the floor...and begin licking the water on the ground...

Ermes: ...Guess she isn't human after all.

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