Chp.25 An Unkown "Green" Birth Pt.2

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As we left off, Jolyne and them focus on retrieving the bone, with only problem is to avoid touching it or else their bodies will mutate into plants...but Jolyne doesn't matter about that, she'll get that bone no matter what, and (YN) will do to help her...with trying to get the bone, Jolyne spots something near it, something inside a big stump, as if it looks like an egg, and something in it to see through...
it appears to be a green baby...

Jolyne Mind: What does it look like!? Carrots that are shaped like Snoopy, and radishes look like big tits, get harvested from farms all the time. This must be too, I mean it definitely looks that way.

Then she notices move a little ..

Jolyne Mind: It's alive!!

(YN): Jolyne, what's taking you-

(YN) too notices the green baby in the stump...

(YN): What the hell!? Is that a baby, a green baby?!

(YN) grabs Jolyne's hand..

(YN): Get away from it JoJo! We don't know what it'll do if you touch it! Look, the roots began to wrap around your legs if you haven't notice!

Jolyne: Wait, I have to know if this is a plant or human! It turned the whole cell ward into a greenhouse connected them by its roots then bloomed. *This weird baby probably absorbed the bone when it was germinating, and White Snake is here somewhere inside this prison to find out what's inside this. What happens if it comes out from the pod? He's here cause he wants to know what begins when it's finally born.*

(YN): Jolyne get back now! If you don't move, the sunlight will hit the west!

Jolyne doesn't waste time, she snatches the baby in the pod up and holds onto it...

(YN): Seriously??! You're picking it up?

Jolyne: Nah, more like stealing it. I won't let White Snake get it's hands on it.

(YN): Guess this has to do with White Snake then, okay, let's get out of here then!

As they make a run for to exit the cell...suddenly, Anastasia spots something inside the room, as it happens to be an inmate, pleading for mercy and crying...

Inmate: Please, you gotta help me, I'm freaking out! I'm begging you! After seeing everyone here dying by being drowned and turn into grass, it's terrifying! Please help!

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Inmate: Please, you gotta help me, I'm freaking out! I'm begging you! After seeing everyone here dying by being drowned and turn into grass, it's terrifying! Please help!

Anastasia: Okay calm down, but first tell us your name.

(YN): Hey easy there, he can be our enemy. Hey you, are you a stand user?

Inmate: I-I don't know what the hell is even going on! My names Guccio, I...I just don't wanna die here!

(YN): ...Okay fine, quit your whining then, stand up for once no?

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now