Chp.38 UnderWorld: Donotello Versus Pt.2

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As we left off, Jolyne (YN) and Ermes are in deep trouble, as they are in some airplane, that will be crashing in just 2 minutes, exactly how it crashed 6 years ago in 2005 in Dallas, and need to find a way out to avoid the crash...Jolyne then finds the exit door to jump out of it...

(YN): JoJo, hold on! What are you thinking!?

Jolyne: We can't find away out of here and this is the only way, also the only way for to stop this is to attack the stand user directly! (YN), hold to the thread again and hang onto something.

Ermes: Now hold on a sec! It ain't exactly a good idea to open the door when the plane still moving, the air pressure would-Eh?

Jolyne already open the door, and to jump out and for the air pressure to not even care at all to bust through and not to send no one flying out of it...

(YN): Guess not! Go for it!

Jolyne dives towards Versus and Pucci as she emits Stone Free out and to throw a punch at Versus...but then to end up punching a glass instead of Versus...and Jolyne to realizes she's inside a marine jet pilot...

Pilot: Mayday Mayday! We just got hit by a damn MiG. I lost control! ...Hey, you back there, who you are? Anyway, I think the back of the plane took a serious hit, can you check how bad it is?

Jolyne: What the hell!?

The thread seems to be ripping off by the pressure the jet was taking Jolyne away, (YN) couldn't hang much longer as the thread rips apart...

Jolyne: Shit! Stone Free!

She again shoots a thread way up to the hole...out of the hole, we see two officers investigating the hole and talking through the walkie talkie, for the thread to grab it and snatch it away from him...

Pucci: As I told you, Jolyne's skills were sharpened in prison. She already anticipated what would happen in the event that her initial attack was a failure. Clearly this is how she got out of the plane. She was waiting for the police to arrive so she can use the radio to give her the chance to grab it, and contact her Allie's that she can contact through cellphones as well.

Versus grew more annoying from Pucci ranting about how he's not doing th work done to take care of Jolyne...

Versus: Just shut the fuck already will ya?! Does it look like I'm losing here? Huh? Answer me! I'm still wining this damn battle still! *God fucking damn this priest! Who does he think he is, all that and shit! Just because I can control my power now, am I really suppose to be grateful to Father Pucci for helping me reach my potential? Hell no! The blood running through my veins all along is my actual father, DIO! So priest, do you honestly believe your that important to all of this?! I haven't even failed yet, nor I haven't done anything wrong! All he cares about is judging his own opinion! I'm really starting to lose my patience here with this so-called holy man! I am the one who's invincible here. Anything is possible if I use Underworld!

As Versus was scratching his finger towards a rock to get the stress out of him..he then felt something, he looks and to see a memory of Father Pucci from a while ago...

Versus Mind: Why does he get to be the only one on the new moon? Maybe it should be me on top. What if I am the one who requires DIO's powers instead and not that damn fucking priest. I have every right to, after all I am DIO's son!

He then spits a disc on Pucci's clothe...that disc happens to be Weather's memory disc, he grabs out from it...

Versus: Well now, maybe this can be used to put things in my favor. The only one who gets to attain heaven should be me.

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now