Chp.54 The AfterMath

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-A Month Later-

A month have pass now after the defeat of Enrico Pucci, (YN) had to take care of his father in order to mot cause havoc, with that said, the universe remain the same...or so as we speak, not evrything stood the same...Jolyne and (YN) have lost some friends during...F.F, Weather Forecast, Anasui Anastasia....and Jocelyn Kujo...Jolyne have miss her mother ever since the day she sadly passed away onto her arms.
The SpeedWagon Foundation have notify any relatives to Jocelyn about her sad passing...they weren't too happy at all to they all have to carry on and admit and to always remember in the memory of Jocelyn Kujo, as she is now living a better life up in the sky.

One day, we then take a look at a house, where Jolyne now lives, thanks to her grandmother and grandfather, they covered her charges of being framed in prison and also buying a new home for her, (YN), Ermes, and Emporio to live, they now live together. One evening night, Jolyne was walking around the living room, as she set up some candles on the furniture, a blanket in the floor with snacks and drinks, she observes it for a bit and made sure everything is okay...

Jolyne: Okay, everything seems perfect, now we wait.

Emporio and Ermes shows up..

Emporio: Jolyne, you sure you and (YN) don't wanna come with us to the restaurant with me and Ermes?

Ermes: Yeah, you're gonna miss a lot their knowing it's an all you can eat buffet.

Jolyne: It's alright you guys, no worries, me and (YN) have already decided to stay here and hang, we've already planned it too.

Emporio: But won't it be better if you two would go out instead??

Jolyne: ....Yea, well I mean, why not spent our date night here instead? I mean come on, it'll be fun.

Ermes: Suuure, you two will have a lot of "fun" here.

Jolyne: *flustering* Ermes...!

Emporio: Hmm, well if you insists, you really set everything nice and tidy as well.

Jolyne: Yup, gotta make sure things go well.

Emporio: ...Hey, what's this?

Emporio picks up something from the furniture...

Emporio: It says condo-

Jolyne snatched it away from Emporio...

Emporio: Hey.

Jolyne: S-Sorry, but please don't grab those! And, don't ever, okay?

Emporio: What is it??

Jolyne:'s like...uhh-

Ermes: Not the time Emporio, we gotta g now before they beat us to our seats.

Emporio: Oh! Okay, well see you later Jolyne.

Jolyne: See ya.

Ermes: *whispering* When we get back, you better tell me the goods.

Jolyne: Just go!

Ermes: Hehe, have fuuun.

Ermes and Emporio leave the house as Jolyne looks out to see them drive off...Jolyne sighs as she puts the condom on her pocket and walk and sat down on the sofa...

Jolyne: Hope this might turn out good.

She then looks at the counter and to see a picture of her, her father...and her mother...she reaches over and to look at it, seeing her younger self, with her dad and mom, as one happy family...she gently smiles, and to smoothly touch the picture...

Jolyne: I wish you two were still here with me, I miss you guys...heh, you two are now happy up there you guys.

Jolyne then heard the door knocking as she puts the picture back and to rush over to the door and takes a deep breathe...

Jolyne: goes.

She opens it and to see (YN) arrived home..

(YN): Hey.

Jolyne: Hey!

The two hug and kiss each other as (YN) notices the living room set up with candles and foods on the blanket on the floor...

(YN): Seems like you were busy today.

Jolyne: Yea, brought the drinks?

(YN): Yup.

Jolyne: Cool, come in.


The following upcoming chapter will contain a bizarre lemon, enjoy my fellow friends and enjoy looking the picture above as well 🗿

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The following upcoming chapter will contain a bizarre lemon, enjoy my fellow friends and enjoy looking the picture above as well 🗿

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now