Chp.35 Enter Rikiel: Jigsaw Pt.1

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(I will skip the whole Bohemian Ecstatic part, doesn't fit in after all, sorry)
Anyways, during Weather and Anastasia's escape to go after Jolyne and help them find Pucci, they ran up to an unknown fairy tale bizarre problem, but they manage to deal with it and to take down the stand enemy for hood and the user too, Ungalo of course...
So anyways, we then take a look at the Orlando State hospital where the convicts were taken...we see Pucci talking down with Rikido about his past that his father left him behind when he was a child...

Pucci: Rikiel, focus on the man name DIO in your mind. Center yourself and think hard about the bloodline you come from. I remember exactly that you're one of the three sons who grew up not knowing who your father was.

Rikiel: B-But my eyelids, both of them...I don't know why but they always droop down on me happens to me all the time, even in my check ups, my doctors say it isn't nothing wrong at all! They always say, and it always happens to me no matter what, and happen when I was 16! It was hard to breathe! They even make fun of me, that's why I stop going back! This is so fucked!

Pucci: Rikiel, calm yourself.

Rikiel: I can't! I stress out like this too! And I don't know how I'm going to help you with this shitty situation, and don't even have abilities!

Pucci: Wrong, you do have an ability. You just haven't realized it yet. You see, there is a region that they have are commonly known as "SkyFish", they're so called unidentified species. A groups of skydivers say they encountered them while exploring a hole, but no proof. Later, a TV camera crew tried catching the rods but due to the remarkable speed they have and travel with, catching a physical form is impossible. They're untraceable to the naked eye. The only way to document them was via camera. So imagine my surprise, that when I was studying your disc to discover what ability you may possess, I learn that the rods are here in Florida.

Suddenly, a physical form fly passes Pucci with such speed, as he simply backs away, as for Rikiel, he surprisingly can open his eyelids at last, and to see the rods flying around him...

Rikiel: Woah! I..I can see them! I can finally see now, and those rods you were talking about father, they're around me! I can see them clearly. They seem to be under my control, that's my ability right?

Pucci Mind: I can now see them? Were they always around me? No, they didn't physically touch me at all, but...

Rikiel: I think these rods were surrounding me all along.

Pucci: Rikiel, you need to leave right away now. Your stand is quite formidable, I shall name it Jigsaw. Research them well, the rod's characteristics, and utilize them well.

Rikiel: Yeah don't worry father, I feel alive again!

Pucci: And also...make try to take down a young boy name (YN) too, if you can.

Rikiel: Oh, you know him?

Pucci: ....No, just do as I say.

Rikiel: Heh, alright, you can count on me.


Meanwhile, somewhere on a grassy land, Jolyne and the others, as they fly the helicopter to reach to Cape Canaveral before Pucci does...

Emporio: Wow, this is so awesome!

Ermes: Don't get carried away now. You read the book about this right? Wouldn't it fall out if you reach up higher to the sky??

Emporio: Yeah, but I'm not gonna go that high.

Jolyne: Emporio, further west, head that way.

Emporio: What do you mean? If we keep heading this direction, we can reach to Cape Canaveral within 30 minutes.

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