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As we left off, Jocelyn and Jolyne began to get along slowly and so far enough...knowing the things Jolyne has said to her mother may have upset her badly, but she'll apologize soon once she escapes with her mom...and not just that, Jocelyn has been shot by Johngalli A and his stand too, Jocelyn was shot by her shoulder, bleeding ...

Jolyne: H-Hey! Are you o-

Jocelyn: I'm fine..! Just don't move!

Jolyne doesn't love, and to see the stand coming in the room, gliding around...

Jocelyn: And be sure to not raise your voice too, it'll scour our location. Johngalli A's stand probably is able to read the flow of air, also to be able to react the mild changes in our breathing. That stand might be his satellite, a stand satellite, aiming his rifle for the bullets to ricochet and redirect our location. But there's no way we can attack him from this room knowing he's in the mens prison. So instead, we have to smash his satellite stand. If you don't know, any damage cause by the stand is pass through to the user as well.

Jolyne: Got it.

Jocelyn: But problem is, if we move and strike at it, the change of the air current will give him our location and attack us-HRGH!

The bullet on Jocelyn shoulder began to increase her pain more, and bleeding more too, Jolyne was worried and grew angry for her being hurt somehow...she needs to find a way for her and her mom to escape...she then has an idea, she emits her stand's threads out from her finger, extending them to the ceiling as the stand satellite rushes over to her...

Jocelyn: Jolyne!! What are you doing?! It's coming after you if you don't move! Stop it now or-

Suddenly...a siren goes on, and to see the sprinklers from the ceiling began to spread water everywhere, cause by a lighter Jolyne planned to use...and with that, the stand satellite began to live around, and yet dodging seemingly...

Jocelyn: I see sweetie.

Jolyne: ...Thanks, I guess...knowing the droplets are making it move erratically, it can't detect the air flow from us. Nows our time! Stone Free-

Jocelyn: Hold it Jolyne! Look closer.

Jolyne stops...and to see the stand moving still...and seemingly to be dodging the water drops...

Jocelyn: Not only It's dodging the water drops of one by one, it's reading the shifts in the air current caused by the drops. Look, whiles it's busy, get back to the wall and don't move.

Jolyne: Okay Okay, I'll-

Suddenly, Jolyne heard banging from the door...and someone talking...

Mysterious Kid: Jolyne! You have to get out of there now!

Jolyne: Huh??! I-It's you again!

Mysterious Kid: Hurry! You have to move that stone pillar at the bottom of the pillar! Hit it with all you got! Just do it, got it? Make it through this!

Jolyne has so many questions to ask, but she'll do what the boy tells her, so she turns and to see a block underneath the pillar, kicks it off and to see a hidden passage away...

Jocelyn: ...I really don't know what's going on here, but this hole here between the walls leads down, some kind of passage, under the prison sewers.

Jolyne: O-Okay, let's go-

Jocelyn: You go, I'm going to deal with the stand myself.

Jolyne: Wh-What?! But you're hurt, we have to-

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now