Chp.17 End Of Lang Rangler Pt.2

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Meanwhile, at a security room, guards notices the screen of the hallway showing something happen, which leads to Jolyne and the others being chased down by Lang Rangler...

Guard: There, Hallway 7B is currently in a situation!

Then, someone appears in the security room...and happens to be none other than Father Pucci...

Pucci: Did something unusual happen?

Guard: Not certain yet, however passage 7B is only meant for going to and from the factory. No possibility that it's on fire or a riot, no need to worry father.

Pucci: Oho no, I'm not worried. I maintain the utmost trust in the Dolphin Green Street Prison, it was noisy when I heard so I got unnecessarily curious and inquired.

Guard: do know there hasn't been an escapee that has happen during this prison over the past 20 years, correct? Plus the outside of the passageway is the courtyard, there won't be no one trying to escape from that.

Pucci: Hmm, you're certainly right about that.

Guard: We'll handle it, thanks father.

Pucci: Very well then....but another quick unnecessary question?  Is that clock coming up from the corner accurate?

Guard: Hm? Oh yeah, 11:58, almost lunch time.

What Pucci saw on the computer was odd...he sees a call that has happen on 11:51, a call recipe to the SpeedWagon Foundation...

Pucci: *That time, there was a call to the SpeedWagon Foundation...* I've got an usual ask, I want to listen this recording, play the audio, from the women's prison phone stand number 16, the call about 7 minutes ago.

Back at the factory room, Jolyne (YN) and Weather were in there, still on Rangler's zero gravity zone, floating around in the air, knowing he must be hiding somewhere in the room as well...

Jolyne: Since we're still in zero gravity zone, the bastard must be here still, we have to get the disc from him now!

(YN): I know JoJo, but we can't rush things like that, we must come up with a plan to find him and take him down without any problems.

Weather: ...That door over there...leads over to the courtyard. Your objective lies through that doorway, however seems to be locked. You might need to blast it away, or force it to open somehow.

(YN): Well alright then, let's find this thief and make our way-

Jolyne: U-Um...can..can it wait?? Just for a sec??

Weather and (YN) notice Jolyne seemingly to look...inpatient and yet to move body a bit, as if she is trying to hold onto something...

Weather: ??

(YN): Whats wrong Jolyne??

Jolyne: There's...a little problem. It's sort of hard to even say, but the thing's a personal matter. Although I am at a physical limit so Um...I don't know what it became a problem so suddenly, but happens to others too.

(YN): ....I'm not following you here.

Weather: Not even a bit.

Jolyne: It's like what I'm saying! It's related to your lower half! Begins with "u"! A biological urge you have when you're thinking "thank god it isn't number 2"!

Weather: ....

(YN) began to float around Jolyne, curious about what she means by that with his arms crossed...

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