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As we left off, FF's face has been melted for some reason and that reason is by that creepy stand that has left with Jolyne, Yo-Yo Ma, she wants to go after Jolyne and the other to warn them about Yo-Yo Ma, but then again, in order to get rid of it, she has to go back to the bell and find the user and take him down for good...
In the meantime, back with Jolyne, she (YN) and Anastasia with Yo-Yo Ma, kept sailing on the boat, but then (YN) tells Yo-Yo Ma to stop the boat near a grove and hide and turning the engine off...

Jolyne: (YN), what is it? Why stop the boat?

(YN): ...Fulgore senses something.

Jolyne: Wait really??

(YN): Yeah, listen.

They stood quiet...and to hear other boats coming close to their way, they spot 3 boats with guards, looking for them, their security is on levels 4..

(YN): Well Damn, they got themselves a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Seems the operational range for that weapon is between 1-2 thousand meters. If we get caught, they'll shoot right to us and be killed in a sec and the boat destroyed as well-

Then...Yo-Yo Ma notices them not facing towards he creepily and slowly walks up to them...but then to trip over and cause the boat to move...

Anastasia: Hey, don't move!

Yo-Yo Ma: S-Sorry! Sorry!

With the boat moving, it caused some little waves, which gave the guards attention and to sail over to their direction...

Jolyne: Shit! They're heading right towards us!

Anastasia: Tch, damn it you little shit! I told you not to make noise or-

Yo-Yo Ma: I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry honestly! B-But I can fix that! Look, why don't we uses these leaves and cover ourselves with them as a disguise! And covering the boat too, that way they won't see us!

(YN): Hmm, I guess that could be a smart idea.

Anastasia: What?! You're really agreeing with him-

(YN): You have a better idea pinkie?

Anastasia: What?! You mother-

Jolyne: Hey cool it! You can argue later, right now let's do what that thing says, hurry, their coming!

Anastasia: Why yes of course, whatever you say my lo-OUGH!

(YN) smacks Anastasia with some leaves...

(YN): Just shut up and start disguising.

Anastasia: Hmph!

They began covering themselves with the leaves and covering the boat with leave as well...afterwards, their disguise now, and to see the guards slowly passing by them, not noticing them, and to keep quiet...and then, on the their boat, the radio speaks from the prison...

Radio: Emergency! All units head back to the Discipline Cell War now! I respect, abode and return!!

Guard #1: Huh? Wonder what happen?

Guard #2: Whatever it is, sounds serious, let's go!

As the guards sail off and their propellers to give a boost, the wind from it blow Jolyn and the others disguise, exposing them and caught...

Guard #2: What the!? Hey we've found them!

Guard #4: And their with a guard! What the hell!?

They turn back and to sail towards them...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now