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The DJ had played slow music and all the couples were dancing. Morgan and I were no exception. We danced near the table where our children were. Jacob Jason, Hannah and Gabriel ate and talked to each other. Emma and Emily were in their stroller with their pacifiers and were already asleep.

- You are smiling. - I felt Morgan say close to my ear, and I lifted my head from his chest - You even shine.

- I am just happy. – I shrugged and he smiled even more looking at me with his blue-green eyes – I am here on this amazing night with my husband and my kids at the wedding of my best friend and nothing can change that.

- I love you Elena Wood-Curse. – Morgan smiled lovely.

- I love you too, Morgan Benjamin Curse. – I said back, and we kissed each other.

It was short but full of passion. Morgan turned me to the beat of the music, his smile never fading from his lips. I loved that smile. Only I could see this smile.

- When Alexandra threw the bouquet and I accidentally caught it, can I get married again? - I asked jokingly.

- If it's for me, yes. - Morgan replied, laughing slightly and looking around, suddenly he narrowed his eyes slightly and the loving smile disappeared.

- What's wrong? - I asked, trying to follow his gaze.

- Do you remember the woman from a month ago who tried to poison me, but you saved me? - Morgan asked and I hummed as he looked back at me - She's here. Next to the food bar, the third woman from left to right, in the green dress.

I turned to see and then I noticed her. I looked back at my husband and asked:

- What are we going to do?

- We can't reveal who we are. - Morgan replied, looking around thoughtfully - Maybe Peter will do something if you tell him.

- He's dancing with his wife. – I frowned.

- Are you jealous? - Morgan asked me, and I shook my head – I will invite Alexandra to the dance, and you will invite Peter. That way you can tell him about the woman.

I nodded. We told the kids not to do anything and that Jason and Jacob were in charge if there was anything. Morgan took my hand and walked over to the couple.

- If there was a competition, you would win. – Morgan said smirking, and I rolled my eyes.

- You will be in second place after me. - Peter laughed as he stopped dancing with Alexandra.

- Can I steal your wife for three minutes? I will give her back to you, calm down. - Morgan asked and smiled playfully at Alexandra - Of course, if you want to dance with other men better dancing than your husband?

- With such an offer how to refuse? - Alexandra laughed, and Morgan took her hand, pulling her aside.

- He is a player. - Peter smiled and looked at me - Do you want me to steal you too?

- Of course. - I said and we both started dancing – I will tell you something, but don't ask me how I know.

- Okay. What's wrong? - Peter asked.

- There's a very dangerous woman playing with poisons here. - I revealed and looked around for her - The woman next to the bar with the blonde hair and the green dress.

- Okay, are you sure? - he asked, and I nodded - How do you know?

I thought about a reply. I couldn't tell him the whole truth, but he knew me and knew when I lied. So, I still have to tell some truth.

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