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I woke up during the night and I reached out to hug Morgan, but he wasn't in bed. I looked around to see where he was, but he was gone. I got up and after checking each child if they were sleeping and went downstairs. I saw Morgan sitting in the command centre looking for something by pressing buttons on the huge computer.

I went to him and sat on his lap, making him groan slightly in pain. At least I had his attention now and put my hands behind his neck.

- What are you doing here? - I asked him.

- I couldn't sleep and that's why I decided to check the clues, no matter how small. I just don't understand why he does it yet. - Morgan replied sighing, and leaned his head back in his chair - If he's had problems with my parents and since they're dead, why does he keep doing it?

- Maybe he just has mental problems or got crazy while he was doing his revenge in the beginning. – I explained as Morgan nodded tired – Do you want to go upstairs and get rest?

- I am not tired. – Morgan said and smirked – I am little a little stressed and nervous, but of course, there is a chance to calm me down.

- I am pregnant. – I laughed and Morgan frowned like a small child - Don't do it. It won't work.

- OK! Fine. - Morgan raised his hands in surrender - Do you want to at least cuddle under the covers?

- Of course. That's what I can do. - I said and stood up.

Morgan followed me limping upstairs and we both lay down as I put my head on his chest. He hugged me across the waist with his big, muscular arms and kissed me on the forehead. I returned the kiss on his neck and went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning in the same position as none of us had moved. I sat stretching and looked at my sleeping husband. Quietly, without waking him, I put on my clothes and went downstairs.

I made breakfast just in time for Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan to come down. They smiled as they saw the nice waffles on the table and immediately ran to the table sitting down. I went upstairs and picked up Emma and Emily, who had also woken up looking for food. I put them on their baby chairs and gave them their breakfast which was Whole Grain Pumpkin Waffle Dippers. They didn't split from the team much and they didn't reach out to those their older siblings ate.

I felt a kiss on my cheek as I ate and turned to see Morgan. He sat down next to me, and all the children greeted him with their mouths full enjoying breakfast.

- Hmm, I see why the kids eat this so much. - Morgan said, eating from the waffles - That's amazing. You are an amazing mother and wife. You are a superwoman as there is no one like you.

- Thank you. - I blushed even if I get used to his compliments.

- Is anyone blushing? – Morgan teased me.

- Don't rejoice or I will take your plate. - I folded my arms looking at him seriously, even if I was trying to hide my smile.

Morgan nodded smiling and continued eating, but his phone buzzed and he looked at it. He sighed and I already knew what is going on.

- Work? – Hannah asked disappointed.

- Sorry, sweetie. – Morgan apologize and all the kids pouted – See you later, Love.

We sent him to work with the children. Jacob, Jason, and Hannah went upstairs because they had school, and Gabriel and Dylan decided to play in their room. Emma and Emily were with me, walking or playing with their walkers and with whatever they took from the table as a ball, a teddy bear, and some other forgotten toy. I sat on the couch next to them and noticed through the small window in the kitchen that Loki and Choco were in the yard relieving themselves. They run inside and Loki jump on the sofa snuggling next to me as I started petting him. Choco started playing with the babies and I smiled every time Emma and Emily walked without their walkers. They fell from time to time, but the two stood up and continued to play with the puppy.

The doorbell rang and I stood up confused, going to open it. Peter sat in the front door with tears and red eyes.

- What happened? - I asked confused, pulling him inside instantly.

- She was killed. - Peter cried - She died in the hospital today, and I didn't know where else to go.

- Come with me. - I said and pushed him to sit in the chair - Stand here.

Loki and Choco pricked up their ears and growled as Emma and Emily muttered. I stroked the animals and kissed my daughters before going to the kitchen to make him some hot coffee.


Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan were leaning against the partitions of the stairs, watching the visitor in disbelief.

- Why is he here again? - Gabriel asked confused.

- He is a friend of our mom and the father of our unborn brother or sister. - Hannah said, and Gabriel glared at her with a look "Not helping".

- That still doesn't answer the question of why he's here. Why does he always come when mom is alone, or our parents spend time with us? - Jason thought.

- What if he still likes Mom and wants to take her from Dad? - Jacob was shocked and looked at his siblings.

- We will not allow this. - Dylan shook his head - I won't lose Mom and Dad again.

- Do you have a plan, Little Devil? - Gabriel asked his little brother in astonishment.

Dylan nodded enthusiastically.


I went back to the living room and handed the coffee to Peter. He nodded sadly and took a sip of his coffee. I sat on the sofa and looked at my friend. Peter sighed and chuckled sobbing a little:

- The destiny is bitch. I want you to know from me.

- What happened? – I asked worried about him.

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