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I woke up and groaned in pain as I felt my whole body sore. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in the hospital, and I didn't know how I came here. I saw Morgan sitting on a bed leaning on his arm with his eyes closed. He seemed to have fallen asleep like that. I felt sorry for him and opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't say anything.

- Water. – I managed to say in a dry, hoarse voice.

Morgan opened his eyes in confusion, but when he saw me, he jumped, pouring water into a glass. He helped me to me sat slightly and gave me some water to drink. He laid me down again and I asked:

- What happened? Why am I here?

- What was the last thing you remember, Love? - Morgan asked, sitting on the bed next to me.

- I was kidnapped, you came to save me and you burned the villain's mask. He ran away, but then I don't remember anything else. - I explained.

- You followed him, but then you fell down the stairs. You barely survived and I almost lost you, but the doctors saved you. - Morgan replied, and before I could speak - Calm down, the baby is fine. The doctors managed to save her, and she is now with the doctors so that she can be examined.

- It is a girl. – I smiled happily, and Morgan nodded smiling weakly – What is it?

- You were in a coma for two weeks. I barely slept and the days weren't peaceful at all. The Masked one tried a few times to kidnap the little newborn, but I and the spies stopped him. – Morgan explained.

- Where are the kids? – I asked.

- With Jade, her kids John, Clarisse, and Clary, Tristan and a few more spies in the bunker. – Morgan answered.

- I am sorry. – I said, taking his hand, and rubbing his knuckles – I am so sorry.

- It wasn't your fault, Elena. Don't blame yourself for that. – Morgan said smiling and pecked my lips – Everything is fine.

- Then why do you smell like whiskey? – I asked sensing his breath – Did you drink while I and the kids were gone? – he looked away guilty – Morgan.

- I was dealing with the pain, okay? – Morgan yelled and I got scared; he never raised his voice before – Look, those three months were difficult for me, and the only thing that calmed me down at night was the alcohol. At least it helped me sleep because I couldn't do without it, no matter how hard I tried.

- If it was just that and you didn't torture people, fine. - I joked and saw Morgan sweat for a second - Are you okay?

- Yes, you need to rest. I will try to get the doctors to let you see our newest daughter. - Morgan replied, and before I could say anything, he disappeared through the door.

He was hiding something, and I will find out. I tried to sit, but I didn't manage. My whole body hurt, and I deiced to just wait for someone to come and help me. A few minutes later Morgan entered holding one small baby wrapped in a pink blanket and a nurse.

- How do you feel? – the nurse asked helping me to sit – Somewhere you feel discomfort?

- No, I think I am good. – I said smiling, and looked at Morgan who was looking at the small baby smiling – Can I see her?

The nurse smiled and left the room. Morgan sat on the bed and gave me the little girl. She had my hair and looked like me in the face. She looked like a small copy of me. The little girl opened her eyes and I almost held my excitement. The girl had the same eyes as me and I looked at Morgan who just took picture of us.

- She is just like me. – I smiled and Morgan pecked my lip – The exact copy.

- Yeah. She is gorgeous just like her mother. – Morgan answered – Do you have a name in the suggestion?

- As I look at this girl now. – I said and glanced at the little girl – Maybe Charlie – I thought – Charlie Benjamina Curse.

- Named after me. - Morgan was surprised and smiled lovely – I loved it. Welcome to the family, Charlie.

He kissed the little girl making me smile even more if that is possible. Charlie started to cry, and I rocked her slightly to calm her down. The nurse just came in these moments with a bottle of milk.

- It seems like I came at the exact moment. – she said and gave me the bottle of milk.

I started to feed her, and she closed her eyes. Morgan's phone vibrated loudly indicating that he has a message. He picked it up and frowned at it.

- Is everything alright? - I asked anxiously.

- Yes, the spy's duty is calling. See you later. - he answered and kissed me on the head - I love you.

- I love you too. - I said, but he was already out.

What is such an important job he has? I looked back at Charlie, but she was still with her eyes closed drinking from her milk.

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