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I heard the phone alarm filling the room and I heard a groan beside me. There was silence again and I opened my eyes. Morgan had covered his face with his pillow and was falling asleep again. I sat on the bed and stretched.

- Morgan, come on. - I said, slapping him lightly on the stomach, but he didn't reflect me.

I sat on him and removed the pillow, kissing his mouth. He finally woke up and returned the kiss, but I separated.

- Good morning. - I smiled.

- Elena, it's too early. - Morgan groaned like a small child.

- But you promised me. - I said showing dog eyes – You promise to make me breakfast.

- When did this happen? – Morgan asked confused because it didn't happen, but in my defence, I liked his pancakes.

- Please. – I pouted knowing he wouldn't resist.

- Fine. Wake up the kids. – Morgan groaned again, and I jumped happily.

Jacob and Jason were already wake up and were just exiting the room, going downstairs. I walked to check the others. Hannah was almost ready, and I help her tie her hair into a ponytail. Gabriel was already wake up too and was running downstairs smelling the pancakes after he greeted me. Emma and Emily were still sleeping, but the moment I stroked Emma's belly she groaned and opened her eyes, immediately letting a small giggle, at seeing me. I took her in my arms, and I saw Emily was waking up too, because of the noise she heard from her twin.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen. Morgan was making his pancakes while Jacob, Jason, Hannah, and Gabriel were playing with Loki. Loki saw us and ran to me. Wagging his tail, he waited for me to stroke him behind the ear when I put Emma and Emily on their chairs. I stroked the patient dog and he barked happily licking my hand.

Finally, Morgan was ready, and we all ate in silence.

Suddenly the house alarm went off and I realized that someone was trying to enter. We were not safe here and as instructed by me, the children ran to their rooms collecting in large bags everything important. I helped them and after we were all dressed, we ran to the garage.

The children got into the car, and Morgan appeared, tossing the last bag into the car's back. He helped Loki get up and closed the car. I heard an explosion, and when I looked at Morgan, I saw that his eyes were already filled with coldness and rage.

- Morgan, not now. - I told him - Let's go.

I got in the car, and he followed me unhappy. We fastened our seat belts and I turned. Our children were scared and stressed, not knowing what was going on. Morgan started the car and drove off. We narrowly escaped, because just as we were leaving, several men with guns appeared.

However, they followed us in their black cars. They even start shooting at us, but fortunately, the car was bulletproof.

Morgan forced it to drive even faster. Emma and Emily disliked the situation and began to cry slightly. I turned and started trying to calm them down.

- They are coming. - I heard Jason say grazing looking through the rearview mirror - And they do not give up.

- They're getting on my nerves, these ... - Morgan began, but I cut him off:

- Language! - he frowned even more - Can't we get out somehow?

My husband closed all the windows with the button next to him and forced the car to the lake. I would think he was crazy if I didn't know that our car could turn into a submarine. As soon as the car entered the water, Morgan pressed a button. We swam and the children finally began to calm down watching the fish swimming around us.

- Where are we going? - I asked.

I had no idea which top-secret bunker we had, as everything was destroyed.

- My parents wanted to protect me and my siblings at all costs, so they built a secret bunker that no one knows about. Only I knew because I was the biggest. - Morgan replied, entering a cave.

Soon the walls of the cave became metal, and the car turned back into a car hitting the metal floor below. A large metal door opened, and we entered one room. As soon as the door closed, Morgan stopped, and all the water began to disappear. The children were amazed looking around with big curious eyes.

- Why don't I know about this here? - I asked.

- Because I honestly didn't think we'd have to use it. - Morgan replied and got out of the car.

Each child picked up his bag without very clearly Emma and Emily, who were already in their stroller, looking around in amazement. We walked to the other big metal door and it opened. Jacob, Jason, and Gabriel looked for approval and Morgan smiled nodding. The boys ran through the corridor. Hannah smiled and ran after her brothers. Even Emma and Emily wanted, but they couldn't walk. Morgan let go of Loki and he immediately ran after the kids who were laughing.

- Is it safe? – I asked worriedly.

- Yes, no one and believe me no one knows about this. My family took this secret with them in the afterlife. – Morgan laughed a little.

He walked after the kids who had stopped in front of one big door, which didn't let them go. I pushed the baby stroller and suddenly I heard a female robot voice:

- Full name!?

- Morgan Benjamin Racer Rebel Curse. – Morgan said surprising me.

I knew Morgan's second name is Benjamin, but I didn't know that his other names are Racer and Rebel. The door opened and I got even more confused now. Morgan noticed this and took my arm answering:

- My name was the password for this bunker and a few other things, which my family had kept secret. That's why I never told you about this.

- Did you happen to put third and fourth names on our children without me knowing? - I asked.

- No, I would never do it without your knowledge. - he replied, and I could tell he was sincere.

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