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Someone rang the doorbell, and I went to see who it is, but I was surprised to see the person. It was Peter with his charming smile and bottle of whiskey.

- Hey, Elena. I thought we can celebrate that my daughter is here. – he said with his charming smile that didn't fade at all.

- Yeah, come in. – I said overcoming my shock and he walked inside – I didn't expect you to come here.

- I wanted to see my favourite people. – Peter smiled cunningly and looked somewhere – Hey, Morgan. Are you ready for round two?

Morgan was staying in the middle of the living room with crossed arms and narrowed faces. I didn't need to mind-reading to know what he planned and even if it was hard, we had to play along with it and that we are still friends with him. I shook my head behind Peter and Morgan smiled forcefully:

- I would love to, but I am experiencing some withdrawals from the last time I got drunk. – he thought about a second – I will go and check the kids. They are with their aunt Jade, and she is crazy.

Peter nodded enthusiastically and smiled towards me showing me the bottle and inviting me. I shook my head smiling apologetically and glanced at where Morgan was standing, but he was already gone.

- Okay, then can I see my daughter? – Peter said pointing at Charlie, who was getting sleepy in my hands.

- Yes, sit first on the sofa and I will give her to you. – I answered thinking how to get him out of the house.


Morgan went outside and saw his children playing football with Jade's kids. He was about to walk toward them when Jade stood in front of him, holding her little daughter, Clary.

- I know that look. What are you planning? - Jade asked him.

- Peter is in my home and he's pretending to be good. - Morgan growled and whispered - He's the villain.

- What? Is Elena crazy or what? - Jade shouted angrily.

- Shut up. - Morgan scolded her - We need to create a plan for how to stop him, but he doesn't need to know we know who he is.

- I get it. - Jade nodded understandingly - Rely on me.

- Actually, I had another plan. - Morgan smiled playfully and looked at the children shouting - Team Trouble, unite.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily smiled playfully at each other, knowing what it meant, and ran to their father, listening to his plan. Jade shook his head and, taking John and Clarissa, left.


Jade with her kids John, Clarissa and Clary left, but she warned me that Morgan had teamed up with our children to prank Peter. I didn't mind it and I wanted to act in their prank, but I couldn't. Peter was rocking Charlie who was fussy and was making grabbing hands towards me.

I couldn't take it anymore after she started to cry, and I took her in my hands. She finally calms down and smiled babyishly.

- She still doesn't know who I am, doesn't she? – Peter frowned.

- She is a baby, Peter. How do I tell her "Hey, this is your father"? – I almost yelled, but I saw Dylan crawl to his shoes – But don't worry. She will know.

- I just don't want her to see Morgan as a dad. I am her dad. – Peter sighed and leaned on the backrest not seeing Dylan – I want to be part of all this even if Morgan hates me or the kids don't get along with me.

Dylan crawled back and I was confused about this prank.

- Uncle Peter. - Hannah shouted, running towards us, and standing next to me, smiling slyly.

- What's up, Hannah? - Peter smiled when he heard that.

- Is that your car over there? - Hannah pointed through the window.

I looked outside and saw Jacob, Jason, and Gabriel spraying and throwing balloons with some strange liquid.

- No. - Peter shouted and jumped running outside.


Peter ran outside with some difficulty after all Dylan tied up his shoes, but at that moment Dylan, Emma, and Emily pulled the rope at the last minute, causing him to fall into a pool full of dirty water. Peter came out of the water and was about to scream when the children ran outside. Morgan appeared and said:

- I'm sorry about that. Come inside and we will wash everything.

Peter sighed and nodded following Morgan, not realizing it was part of the prank.

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