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I sighed looking at the closed door of the elevator. I looked at Morgan, who was standing next to me, looking at the door as well. We were going to the underground level of a prison, where we had imprisoned our prisoners who had tried to kill us for the last six years.

- I have a feeling you don't like all these things. – I spoke breaking the silence.

- Like? – Morgan laughed sarcastically and looked at me – I don't love this, but like you said we don't have another option.

- We don't have. – I said and leaned on his shoulder – I want to tell you something very important.

Morgan smirked and glanced at me with love in his eyes. I leaned back from his shoulders and looked at his blue-green eyes.

- I love you, Morgan Benjamin. – I said smiling.

- I love you too, Elena. – Morgan replied and kissed me as the door of the elevator opened.

We walked through the corridor and some of the prisoners started to yell at us to look at them. Finally, we stopped in front of one cell. The man inside grinned seeing us and stood from his bed. He walked to us and asked with a thick voice:

- Look, who came to me today? What do I owe your visit to?

- Help. - I said and he looked at me with interest - A villain is terrorizing us, and we never managed to catch him. Since we don't have enough people to help us, I was hoping we could get help from you.

- Hmm, and what do I get in return? – the man smiled slyly and playfully.

- A chance you won't be in jail. - Morgan said, walking closer to the bars - Is that what you want? Get out of here and spend your days outside?

- That bitch ... what was her name? - the man thought pretending, stroking his chin - Ah, yes. What will Jade say?

That was Tristan Morgenstern. He was a sadistic, but very brilliant and handsome man if I have to be honest. Even if now his hair and his beard were long and weren't maintained, you could still see his beautiful features, but he wasn't more handsome than Morgan. He was the killer of Jade's husband and almost killed me. He was almost successful, but Morgan and Logan saved me at the last minute. He wasn't one of the worst villains, but he wasn't one of the best if there were any good villains at all. He had a chance to redeem himself like Logan, even if he may have killed one person and almost killed me.

- It will be difficult for her, and she will certainly torment you until she forgives you, which will never be, but look on the bright side. - Morgan replied and smiled playfully - At least you won't be in this prison.

- How will you trust me and make sure I don't stab you in the back? - Tristan asked.

- We can't, but I think we can work together. - I answered.

Tristan looked around at his miserable cell and looked at us again. He nodded and raised his hands in surrender. Morgan took off the keys and opened the bars. Tristan stepped outside the cell and took a breath smiling like a small child. He glanced at us and clapping his hands he asked:

- Where do we start?

- We have one more person to release. – I said as I felt how Morgan grumbles under his breath and put on Tristan's wrist bracelet – I know you won't do anything stupid, but this is preconscious. This bracelet will electroshock you and don't try to get it off. Only I can because the key is in Morgan or me.

- So, I will just steal the key. – Tristan shrugged it off.

- We took preconscious and for this. Both of us are wearing multiple keys which may be the right one. – Morgan replied and pushed Tristan to walk – C'mon, let's go.

- I hate you. – Tristan groaned but still walked in front of me and Morgan.

We walked a little further until we reached our next ally. The young woman smiled seeing my husband and sighed in love. This was Aurora Martel. She wasn't evil at all but become obsessed with Morgan after he was saved from one gang who tried to kill her. She didn't do anything bad, but because she was obsessed with him, she threatened me a few times and do try to kill me. She didn't succeed because she stopped herself. Morgan locked her here only because she tried to kill me.

- Morgan, good to see you. – she smiled madly in love with him.

- We need your help. – I said and she turned to me her smile disappearing – I know you are a little obsessed with my husband, but we do need your talents.

- Good. I will do anything to get away from here. – Aurora nodded and glanced at Tristan – Who is this beast?

- I am not a beast. – Tristan frowned – I just didn't maintain myself for a long time of period.

Aurora nodded once again and the moment Morgan opened the door, she jumped in his hug trying to kiss him. Morgan pushed her away putting the same bracelet as on Tristan and when she tried to kiss him again, I pushed the button.

- Okay, no one tried to escape or kill us. You two are our allies now and maybe you will have a good life if you act nice. – I said and looked at Aurora – And please don't try to kiss my husband.

- Can I at least hug him? – she asked innocently.

- If I don't die at the hand of the bad guy, I will kill myself personally. – Morgan shook his head and walked away.

I followed him and turned to see that Tristan and Aurora are following us.

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