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I was laying on the bed running my fingers through Morgan's tattoo on his stomach. He was stroking my back from the other side, and we were both enjoying the moment. It was three days after our conversation with Lorenzo and things were calm.

It was about seven in the morning and our children were still sleeping in the room next to us. They wouldn't break into our room until 8 o'clock and we had a little more time.

- What are you thinking about? - Morgan asked, looking at me softly.

- Nothing essential. - I said and moved my head so I could see his face - Do you have any thoughts to worry about?

- No. - Morgan smiled and kissed my lips - I'm enjoying the moment.

I agreed and hugged him even more, hiding my face in his neck. He laughed but did not contradict my actions. He even hugged me, pulling me closer to him. I almost lay on him, but he did not mind. There was a knock on the door, and I parted, making Morgan snort.

- Who is it? - he shouted.

- I am. Are you dressed? - I heard Simon say, laughing slightly.

- Yes, come in. - I said, getting out of bed.

Simon came in holding documents and stood in front of us. Morgan took the document from his hand, and I went closer hugging him around his waist, peering at the document as well.

- This is a list of all mafia groups in the city and around us. Pablo and Winston checked and found that Peter had made a deal with only two of them. The others have not yet accepted anything. - Simon explained.

- So if we can make friends with them instead, Peter won't be able to carry out his plan. - Morgan thought and looked at me - What do you think?

- Trip. - I answered.

Morgan nodded and gave back Simon the documents. We get change and we packed our luggage by taking the most important things. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were not very happy that we had to go on a mission, but they did not try to stop us. We said goodbye to our children, including Charlie, who didn't understand much and got in the car.

The first mafia group that was strongest was called Black Dragons and they were one of the most brutal in this area. I think they were guilty of robbing 5 banks at the same time and smuggling over 300 kilograms of illegal drugs into the country across the border without ever being caught. Everyone knew they were, but even so, they were hydra. If you kill one of their members in the group, two new ones appear in his place. Honestly, we wouldn't have made a deal with them to help us if it wasn't necessary.

A few minutes later we reached a bar and I looked at Morgan confused.

- Why do all mobsters own bars? - I asked.

- I have no idea. - Morgan answered and looked at me - Are you ready?

- Yes. - I nodded, and Morgan pressed the change button.

The seats slid down as two metal hoops appeared on my waist and Morgan's. One went up to our heads while the other to our feet. The seats straightened. I was wearing a short red roll with only one strap falling just below the knees with beige shoes while Morgan was a classic black suit with black shoes and a red tie that went on my dress. We both got out of the car and Morgan locked it. He came to me and I grabbed his hand, which he held out. We walked confidently to the door, and Morgan knocked. A small door opened, and I saw a man peering. He looked at us from head to toe and asked:

- Password?

- 678546. – Morgan answered without even thinking too long.

The man closed the small door and I heard him unlock the real door letting us inside. Morgan gave me an adorable cunning grin making me rolled eyes smiling before entering inside.

The bar looked normal. If a normal bar had a huge metal cage where men or women fought to the death for money, then we are thinking of the same thing. People bet on top of everything.

- Do you have any idea who we're looking for? - I whispered to Morgan as we went to the bar.

- Do you see the man right across from the bar on the second level with the blue jacket and the five women around him? - Morgan asked, sipping from his whiskey, which he ordered, and I looked before I nodded - This is our man, but we can't just go there.

I looked back and saw a sixth woman sitting on his lap as the huge mobster allowed. She was eventually pushed off his lap, but it was still away. Then an idea came to me, and I glanced at Morgan.

- On a scale of one to ten, how jealous are you? - I asked him.

- Nine or ten. - Morgan replied, confused, and frowned - Oh, no. I won't let you pretend to be a light woman.

- Morgan, first of all, thank you for admitting you're jealous. - I said with a small smile, but I became serious and put my hand behind the back of his head - And secondly, I plan to go to him and ask him to talk. When that happens, you will join us.

Morgan growled, glaring at me, but said nothing. He looked at the glass he held in his hand and thought. I wouldn't leave until he said something.

- Be careful, please. - Morgan asked, looking at me again.

- Of course. - I said and kissed his cheek - Wait for my signal.

Morgan nodded and I walked over to the mobster. I felt fear the moment I approached the steps, but I smiled charmingly trying to bring the fear deep inside me and went to the mobster sitting next to him. The mobster looked at me and smiled playfully.

- Hey, beautiful lady. With what I can help you? – he asked with a dry and strong voice.

- I was hoping we can talk. – I said and looked around – Alone.

- We can do more things than talk. – the mobster flirted and put his hand on my thigh moving it closer to my intimate area – Maybe we can miss the talking.

I glanced at Morgan, but he looked as if he would explode at any moment. He drank his whiskey and asked the bartender for another. I looked back at the mobster and said:

- I would very much like to talk. It's important.

- Of course. - the mobster agreed and was about to say something when a man appeared whispering in my ear - What? Get him.

The man nodded and I saw him waving at several other men. I swallowed nervously as they approached Morgan.

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