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I snuggled closer in the body next to me as I was careful not to hurt him. Morgan turned his head and our temples touched. He had his eyes closed and I was 100% sure he was falling asleep. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment, but then someone opened slightly the door. I raised my head to see and smiled seeing my angels coming. All of them had been changed into comfortable matching shirts and looked adorable.

- We wondered if you could make us your famous pancakes. – Hannah spoke rubbing her neck anxious.

- Let's go, but quietly not to wake up your father. – I whispered and the kids smiled enthusiastically.

I managed to get out of bed without waking him, and after getting dressed, I left the bedroom, heading for the kitchen with seven children tightly behind me. Sara was in the kitchen holding my youngest child, who immediately saw me and began to reach out to me. I took my baby.

- They were angels, but they want your pancakes. Not mine. - Sara said.

- Mom's pancakes are always the best. - Jacob grinned.

- And in general, everything she cooks is good. - Jason added with a charming smile.

I smiled at my children and nodded at Sara. She left the room, and I placed Charlie with her head on one shoulder, holding her with one hand.

- Will you help me? - I asked and the children jumped for joy saying "YES".

Jacob and Jason took the eggs carefully and broke them with my help. Hannah prepared the electric appliance for making pancakes while Emma and Emily mixed the mixture. Gabriel and Dylan took the jar of chocolate and the three jars of jam and placed them on the table.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily helped tremendously, and whenever I turned a pancake over, they clapped their hands in joy and applause. Soon the pancakes were on the table and seven hungry kids were eating them. The eighth kid was taking a nap in my hands while I was rocking her.

I heard the steps and I looked to see who was coming. It was Jade followed by her kids John, Clarisse and Clary who immediately joined my kids in the quest to get fat.

- If I didn't know, I would think that they never eat. – Jade laughed sitting next to me and rubbed Charlie who just yawn sweetly – How do you feel after I and the squad share the information about Peter?

- Normal. I am still a little shocked that Peter has been manipulating us the whole time. – I said and Jade nodded asking her next question:

- What about Morgan?

- He is okay too. He was a little angry in the beginning, but then he became calmer and relaxed. – I said and Jade give me a huge mocking grin making me roll my eyes – Oh, my god, Jade, you have a crazy mind.

Jade burst into laughter making me roll my eyes once again. The other girl stopped laughing after some time and wiped her tears.

- I think you have to put a restriction on the kids. – Jade snickered making me roll my eyes.

- You are awful. – I pouted making Jade just snicker once again before nodding.

- What will we do now? – Gabriel asked still chewing his pancake bite.

- I thought we can spend a little family time. – I answered.

- Playing? – Emma asked with a big smile appearing on her little face and I nodded – Hooray.

- Hide and Seek. – Emily jumped happily in her baby chair – Hide and Seek, mommy.

- Yes, I want that too. Please. – Dylan whined showing his puppy eyes.

- Okay. Eat your breakfast and we will play. – I smiled towards my kids.

They gave me charming and happy smiles continuing to eat their snack. The moment they were ready we went into the living room, and I made sure they know that the command centre and the armoury are forbidden from hiding there. They run out and I started counting.

After 60 seconds I started looking for them. I searched two rooms when Morgan came to me and hugged me across the waist, stopping me.

- Did you lose the children? - he grinned.

- No, we play hide and seek. - I puffed and looked around - I have already searched two rooms and could not find them anywhere.

- You are talking about young sneaky and cunning spies who know the first rule of the spy. - Morgan said, and I looked at him confused - Always find the least logical place to spy on your target.

- The least logical place, you say? - I thought, and ten minutes later I found all seven of my children - Morgan, you're a genius.

- I know. - Morgan smiled smugly.

- I want to play again. This time without hints, Dad. - Hannah thought.

Before some of us could answer, an alarm sounded and a red light came on. That meant danger.

- Everyone in the panic room. – I said to the kids.

- I don't like it. – Emma cried.

Jacob took her and ran followed by his siblings. Jason was holding Emily and the moment they entered the room; I gave Charlie to Hannah. My girl run to put her baby sister in the crib and my two older boys came to me with scared faces. I kneeled in front of them and said:

- Take care of your younger siblings. I and your dad will come back, I promise.

- Yes, mom. – they said trying to be brave and I kissed their temples.

Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily came to me wanting a kiss too and the moment they received I stood closing the door. I locked it and I headed to the commander's centre, where all the spies were trying to figure out what was going on, and Morgan stood by and watched them.

- I'd tell you to hide, but I know you wouldn't listen to me. - I told him.

- You know me very well. - Morgan winked at me and looked at his colleagues -What's going on?

- Someone's trying to enter the building with explosives. - Milton replied as he pressed buttons in front of him - And the four entrances are surrounded by Peter's men.

- The South will explode at any moment. - Pablo shouted, and at that moment an explosion was heard.

Several spies ran there to stop the people, and others went to defend the other entrances. I, on the other hand, had another plan. I grabbed my phone from the bedroom and sent a message to the Salvatore brothers to help us.

Jade alongside her kids which she tried to hide was with me too.

Suddenly smoke grenade was thrown and I coughed trying to run out of the room, but it was locked. I felt my eyes become heavier and I drop to the floor losing consciousness. 

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