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One hour since I understand that Morgan was abducted and still there is no good news. I was staying with the spies looking at them and how they tried to hack and find the IP address of the kidnapper.

I heard footsteps and someone stopped next to me. It was Tristan. I glanced at him as he rubbed his neck shyly before taking a deep breath and saying:

- We both know who get him. That is why I think we need reinforcement. – I frowned in confusion – He didn't abduct Morgan only to torture him. He wants something else and as far as I can get in his mind as a villain, he will be well prepared.

- What do you suggest? – I asked nervously.

- That we need help. As we know Peter worked as a police officer even if this was only as a disguise or not. – Tristan answered and smiled – My point is that he created so many enemies including the mobster gang – The Salvatores.

- Are you suggesting joining some of the most brutal mafia formations? - I asked him confused.

- Not to join them, but to use the fact that they hate Peter, too. - Tristan corrected me and smiled playfully - Think about it. We will have more people, and we will be able to enter the base more easily by destroying everything from the inside. Fewer people will die, and Morgan will not suffer more than he already is.

- It makes sense. - I said looking around, and looked back at him - How do we do it?

- Follow me. As the head of the spy organization, you must be the one to talk to them. - Tristan said.

I followed Tristan to his car, and we entered inside as he started driving as soon as he put on his seatbelt. We drove for a few minutes until we reached one small bar. I walked inside with Tristan by my side, and I looked around. It was a normal bar where people got drunk and had fun. It wasn't screaming "This is a mobster warehouse." I looked back at Tristan who was searching for someone and then he pointed to the man next to the bar.

- Do you see the men with the green shirt and black hair? This is Trent Salvatore, the younger brother. – he said.

I nodded and walked to the man bravely. I will do anything to save Morgan if this means getting involved in the mafia life. Trent smiled seeing me and rubbed his chin asking:

- What do I owe the pleasure of Elena Wood-Curse to be in my bar?

- My husband was abducted, and I want your help. - I said boldly.

- Why should I help you? - Trent asked confused.

- Because we have a common enemy. – Tristan spoke leaning on the bar next to me – Peter O'Neal.

Trent thought about that and nodded standing up from his chair. He made a gesture to follow him. We walked to the back door behind the bar and from there from one dark corridor we reached one door. The older brother Frank Salvatore was sitting on one leather chair behind a desk with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

He grinned when he heard why we are here and immediately accepted the deal. They will help us save Morgan and, in the return, they receive the chance to kill Peter. It was a situation where everyone gets something in return.

- How will we do that? – Frank asked and drank his whiskey – There was to be a plan, right?

- We still didn't find Morgan where is held, but the plan is "Enter the building and kill everyone who stopped us from freeing my husband." – I said and crossed my arms – This includes Peter of course, but I want slow death for him.

- We are experts in that. – Trent laughed sitting on the desk in front of his brother – We will make sure Peter gets what he deserves, but first, we have to find him.

- I will tell you when we find something. – I said and the two brothers nodded their heads.

I returned to our warehouse, but there was still no luck. I was getting impatient, and I just prayed everything is alright.


Morgan groaned in pain waking up and opened his eyes with difficulty. His left eye was swollen and red as he couldn't see very well with it. His whole right side was covered in blood, and a terrible headache struck him suddenly. He groaned in pain, closed his eyes, trying to relieve the pain, and opened his eyes again to look around.

Inside the room with him were two men guarding him against escaping. They immediately put their hands on their pistols, but Morgan didn't even try to move. He had no strength even to speak. He just looked around to see where he was, but he couldn't tell where he was.

Peter entered the room and exclaimed happily:

- You are conscious. We will finally talk.

Morgan groaned as Peter walked over to him and pulled out metal fighting boxing gloves ready to strike Morgan again. The men left the room, and Peter smiled, asking:

- What do you want to talk about?

- I do not know. Just ask what you want. - Morgan replied as she could feel the pain in his voice.

- If you die, will Elena reunite with me? - Peter asked.

This made Morgan furious and try to untie himself, but Peter hit him very hard in the face, causing Morgan to spit out blood and looked at him again.

- Last time I beat you; I sent a picture of Elena. Do you want it again? - Peter asked, walking to the table, picking up a thin metal bar and walking back to Morgan - Let's try this time. What would you say?

- Elena will find me, and when she does, you will regret it bitterly. - Morgan growled.

Peter nodded distracted and hit Morgan with the rod in his fingers, making him scream in pain but after that, he continue again and again ...


The second picture that was sent from Peter was more brutal than ever. Morgan had been beaten all over again as the fingers, knuckles and wrist on his right hand were broken, his left eye was more swollen than before, and he had new bloody bruises on his face. Also, his shoulder didn't look good either and it was certainly broken. His T-shirt was soaked in blood around his chest and abdomen. The left leg of his jeans was also smeared with blood.

Seeing him so wounded and broken made me even sadder.

- We need to find him now. - I shouted loudly and authoritatively, and all the spies began searching for him.

I sat in a nearby chair trying to catch my breath. I couldn't lose him. I wouldn't let him die. Sara walked to me and sat next to me putting her arm around me. I put my head on her shoulder and she kissed my temple whispering:

- The kids are asking for Morgan and you. I told them that Morgan is kidnapped by one of his enemies, but they want their mother.

- I will go and check on them. Please, if they find something, call me. – I begged and she nodded.

I walked into the room where Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily ran to me talking one-over-one to tell me what they want to do. I promise them to do anything they want, but to start with board games. While my kids got everything ready, I took Charlie who woke up and sat on the ground where my kids were ready.

We played for one-hour board games and then we went into the game room where I and the older kids played paintball.

After a few hours, they finally fell asleep on mine and Morgan's bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was only thinking for him. How he is and if he is fine? Is he sleeping or couldn't sleep because of all pain? I was worried about him. 

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