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I sighed looking at the sleeping kids. Jacob and Jason were sleeping on the double beds while Hannah, Gabriel and Dylan were on single beds. Emma and Emily like always shared a bed, snuggling and didn't mind it at all. However, the baby bed was empty, and I was feeling miserable. My little newborn baby Charlie was missing and even if she was with me for a few days, I became attached to her.

Morgan wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck making me smile even faintly. I turned and put my arms around his neck and almost melted seeing the love and concern for me in his blue-green eyes.

- Did you find where Peter is hiding our daughter? – I asked him.

- Not yet, but we have come to several possible abandoned places where they may be. – Morgan explained.

- Let's go then. – I said bravely, but Morgan shook his head – Why not?

- They are over 20 places, and we can't check all of them before knowing which is the right. There can be even traps in some buildings. – Morgan answered and I sighed - We will find our kid.

Morgan pecked my lips making me smile a little and I was going to kiss him back, but he leaned away from the kiss listening carefully. I heard some spies talking in loud voices. My husband ran outside, and I followed him making sure I close the door quietly not to disturb my kids. Derek was sitting in front of one of the computers and was grinning like a small child in front of a candy.

- I may be old, but I am still good. - he laughed.

Sara rolled her eyes and put her arm around my shoulder whispering:

- How do you feel?

- I am fine. - I whispered back, focusing on my uncle and my husband.

- I used simple criteria such as the use of electricity in the last few days and realized that there are only three such bases corresponding to this. - Derek explained and pointed to the three - The problem is they are a long way from us and we're going to waste time going to one of them returning for curing the hurt ones if there is one and then going to the others.

- Not if we use Shark Strategy. - Pablo interrupted the conversation, but all of us who weren't in Morgan's organization before looked confused - This is the most popular strategy of the Curse.

- We won't do it. - Morgan shouted slightly and sighed - Enough people died when we used that strategy last time.

- What if we just go around the bases the old-fashioned way? - I asked.

- It will take at least a week to do it. - Derek replied.

- I will do anything to get my daughter back. - I said firmly and looked at Morgan - Are you with me?

- Always and forever, Love. - he smiled and took my hand - Get ready. We are going on a journey.

I saw Alan, Simon and Lucas running around to get their teams ready alongside Jade. She was coming with us while Sara and Derek would take care of our kids. We waited until Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily woke up from their nap before we leave. They didn't want us to go for that long but knew this was to save their little sister.

I put all my things in the backpack and walked into the garage. I drop my things in the back of the car and leaned on the car looking at the spies. Some of them were checking their motorcycles while others were watching their cars to know if there aren't any problems. We will travel in five cars and fifteen motorcycles.

Morgan walked to me and stood in front of me following my look before glancing back at me.

- What are we watching? – he asked sweetly.

- I was just looking at the spies and what they do. – I answered staring at him – Did you get everything you need?

- Yes. And Milton updated our spy headset. – Morgan replied and gave me the new earbud for my ear – Try it. I will give the others to the rest.

I put the spy headset in my ear and I have to admit it was much lighter than before. Milton had outdone himself with this invention of his. Morgan came back to me with the spy headset in his ear. We entered the car and Morgan opened his window giving thumbs up to the spies. Everyone mimicked the gesture and soon we were on the road travelling to the first base. 

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