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I sat patiently on the high chairs near the kitchen box waiting. Morgan entered as his shirt was soaked in blood and his hands were also anointed with blood. I jumped in front of him, not giving him access to enter.

- I need to take a bath. - Morgan frowned and tried to get through to me, but I stopped him - Elena, move.

- No. How can you torture people in our mansion? Are you crazy? - I shouted lightly - What if the children see?

- And what. They will see their father trying to find the villain who kidnapped them and their mother. – Morgan replied nervously - Not to mention he almost killed you?

- But I'm fine now. - I tried to reason with him.

- Your heart stopped. The doctors managed to bring you back, but you were between death and life. - Morgan replied - Not to mention I spent three months alone wondering if you were still alive or not. Are the children alive or not? So don't accuse me of torturing bad people.

Morgan managed to get through to me, but I wasn't done.

- I don't care if you think you're right, but I won't let you go into the dark by becoming a villain. - I shouted after him, following him - I will not allow you to be with us if you continue like this.

- It scared me a lot. - Morgan laughed sarcastically and turned - If you think so, leave. And without that, you were gone for three months.

- But I take the children with me. - I shouted angrily.

- And where are you going? You are nothing without me. - Morgan made me angry.

I slapped him so hard on the cheek that I knocked him to the ground. He grabbed his cheek, looking at me angrily and confused.

- Rather, you are nothing without me, Morgan. - I got furious and left the room.

After a few minutes, I was in the garage with all my kids inside the car. They were completely confused and did not know why we were leaving without their father. Loki and Choco did not stay far away and came with us.

I didn't want to explain to them further, but I do say the half-truth that we were going on a little break after their father was overwhelmed with missions. I returned to my hometown after a long drive and from there to our home, where we lived in the beginning. The house warmed up quickly, and after I cooked dinner for them, the children relaxed and started running around the house again, playing or looking around, followed by Loki and Choco. I went into the living room and saw one picture of me and Morgan at our wedding. He was looking at me with so much love and I felt nauseous. I put down the picture and I sat on the sofa thinking how everything had become so difficult.

Next, a few days were calm, but Jade came with her kids John, Clarisse, and Clary a little terrified. She explained that Morgan had killed a few more people torturing him for hours and every other spy is terrified now that they can be the next if they didn't do what they said.

I knew where Morgan is going on and I left Jade with the kids. I entered the abandoned building and felt like I was going to vomit. Many people were on the ground among puddles of blood, but I walked forward trying not to look at the horrifying and chilling sight.

Morgan stood in front of a woman, talking to her with a pistol in her head. His clothes were dirty, his hair was dishevelled and untidy, and he had bags under his eyes from not sleeping. He noticed me and frowned, saying:

- What do I have to do to leave me?

- This is not you. - I said approaching him - Please listen to me. You are not like that.

- On the contrary, it's me. I've always been that way and I don't care if you don't believe me. - Morgan answered and rested his finger on the trigger.

- Think about it. That's probably what he wants. - I said and grabbed his hand, which was cold - Morgan, I know what you are going through, but that's not the way.

Morgan opened and closed his mouth for a few seconds, not knowing what to say before groaning. He lowered his pistol and tucked it in his holster. I pulled him aside, but at that moment someone fired, killing the woman. I looked at Morgan, thinking that it was him, but it wasn't him. His face was shocked as he looked around, and I grabbed his arm and pulled him out.

The masked one stood in front of us with a new mask, which was very similar to the old one. Two red dots from a sniper appeared on our chests and I realized that this might be the end.

I heard a shot and prepared to be me, but I wasn't. Morgan fell to the ground shot in the abdomen.

- It was just a warning. I won't be nice next time. - said the Masked One and disappeared.

I leaned over Morgan and helped him press against his wound. It wasn't serious, but he could easily die from blood loss. I help him to stand, and I put him in the driving seat. I drove him home. Jade with her mother Sara was already waiting for us and helped me get Morgan into the infirmary. We intoxicated him and Sara did the necessary surgery, but when she looked at his vitals, she was speechless.

- Is something wrong? - I asked confused.

- He has so much alcohol in his body that he shouldn't be able to walk. - Sara replied.

- I don't understand what you mean except he's an alcoholic. - Jade said, and I looked at her, making her swallow nervously.

- Someone wanted him to be constantly drunk so he couldn't think clearly. Maybe he has somehow increased the alcohol value of what he drinks so that he can be controlled. - Sara explained.

- And that shows why he was so cruel and tortured people in very rude ways. - I realized and looked at my sleeping husband - I knew he did not do it on purpose.

- But there will be consequences such as , now when he didn't use his drink. – Sara explained. 

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