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Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan were playing on the small football field with John and Clarisse while Jade, Aurora and I were sitting at one table watching them.

- Cute kids. – Aurora smiled towards the playing kids and Emma and Emily who were sleeping in one baby basket next to me.

- Thanks, I guess. – I said and Aurora nodded taking a sip from her coffee.

- Am I getting crazy – Jade said and leaned forward to look at me – or we will work with one crazy bitch and my husband's killer?

- Do you think it is easier for me, Jade? – I asked her, and she crossed her arms frowning – I know it is hard, but our family is small, and we don't have so many spies since Lorenzo killed some of them.

- I guessed you are right. – Jade agreed and looked at Aurora who was looking between us following our interaction – If you hurt Elena, I will kill you.

- Oh, don't worry. I will be electroshocked by Morgan and then burned alive if I did it. – Aurora said and smiled sweetly – I am good now.

- Do you trust her? – Jade whispered towards me.

- Roughly. – I answered back and she leaned back on her chair looking at our kids playing together.

They were laughing, smiling, and giggling while playing carefully soccer. I didn't have the patience to see how Emma, Emily and even number eight will play with them. Jade grinned and I looked at her, but then I realize I was holding onto my stomach daydreaming.

- So, number eight. Morgan and you had to get a restriction on the kids. – Jade laughed.

- Actually, this isn't Morgan's. – I said and both Jade and Aurora gasped – Long story short, Peter had sex with me while I was under the influence of alcohol.

- Wow. – Aurora smiled – You cheated on his husband. I have a chance. – Jade and I looked at her angrily – I am sorry. The crazy bitch inside me spoke before thinking.

Morgan showed up wrapping his arms around my shoulders and placing a few lovely kisses on my neck. I smiled and glanced at him. He was looking at me with eyes full of love, but he looked somewhere else. I followed his look and saw Tristan entering. He was wearing a suit and was shaved. He no longer had a beard and his hair was cut short. It was slid to one side, and if it protruded upward like Morgan's, the two would look a little like fraternal twins.

- Hello, ladies and Morgan. – he grinned standing in front of us and sitting on the chair – What did I miss?

- Elena is pregnant, but not from Morgan. – Aurora gossiped like a school kid – It is from some guy named Peter.

I stood and Morgan sat on the chair. I sat in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. There were only four chairs and since I loved being in my husband's lap, we don't even object to sitting like that. He rested his arms around my waist and asked:

- Did something happen while I was gone?

- Just girl talk. You won't understand. – I teased him making him completely frown while Jade burst in laughing.

Tristan and Aurora looked at each other and then again at us not knowing how our interactions are. I rubbed Morgan's neck smiling nicely at him and he nodded accepting my apologies.

- Since we are finally together, we have to find a way to defeat Lorenzo. – Morgan said.

- So, we don't have a plan. – Jade rubbed her chin and looked at Tristan, who swallowed hard – Then why he is here?

- I have a plan and we need Tristan. – I said and everyone looked at me – We will use his charm to lie to Lorenzo and his boss that Tristan is on their side. When he gets important information on how to beat the two of them, he will come back to us and give it to us. - I answered.

- And where am I in all this? - Aurora was confused.

- You, my dear bitch, will use your mind to create a spy headset that cannot be tracked or hacked. That way we will be able to communicate with Tristan without anyone knowing. - Morgan answered for me.

- I understand, but how are we going to make Lorenzo believe I'm on his side? -Tristan asked.

- Have you ever heard of a stage fight? - I asked him, and he smiled playfully, knowing what it was all about.

- It won't end well. - Jade sighed, shaking her head.

- Be optimistic, Jade. - Morgan rolled his eyes.

- It is going to end a little badly. - Jade corrected herself, but she wasn't optimistic at all.

Morgan frowned at her angrily as Tristan and Aurora burst out laughing. I just smiled at this and clapped my hands to gain all intention.

- It is show time. – I said and Morgan, Tristan and Aurora nodded.

We separated. I stayed with the kids while Morgan and Jade went with Tristan and Aurora to make the spy earpiece and train stage fighting.

- Where is mommy? – Clarisse ran to me asking looking around for Jade.

- She had some work. – I said and took her in my lap – Can I help you with something?

- No, I was curious about where she is. – Clarisse said and looked at Emma and Emily who were starting to stir and wake up – They are cute.

- I am cuter. – John said and smirked putting his arms on his hips showing up how he looked.

- Nope. – Clarisse giggled as my kids walked to us and just smiled at her joke.

- I am hungry. – Dylan cried slightly rubbing his stomach.

- I would have eaten too. – Gabriel said.

- Can we have ice cream since we were good kids all day? – Jacob asked showing puppy eyes.

- Please, mom. We won't tell dad. – Jason followed his twin.

Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan made puppy eyes too like their older brothers and I laughed nodding. John and Clarisse started to mumble that they want ice cream too. I took Emma and Emily who greeted me with happy babble and big smiles. I walked inside the kitchen and Loki greeted me jumping around me and wagging his tail. I guess he wanted something too. I put Emma and Emily in their baby highchairs, and I took the ice cream out of the freezer. I reached out and picked up a bone-shaped dog cookie. Loki sat quietly and wagged his tail. I made him stand still and put the cookie on his snout. John and Clarisse were impressed with this trick, but my children had seen it. I signalled, and Loki tossed the treat up, grabbing it with his mouth. He ate it in seconds and whimpered for more. I stroked his ear, but I didn't give it yet. This dog never went hungry, because having five children who constantly gave him pieces of their food. Not to mention that Emma and Emily often dropped food on the ground and Loki ate it on the spot.

Each child grabbed a bowl of ice cream from me and sat down on the chairs in the dining room after taking a spoon. On the other hand, I fed Emma and Emily with smashed peaches so they wouldn't feel abandoned.

Jade showed up at one point and her children ran to her, explaining that I had given them the best ice cream in the world. My cousin laughed and sat down to try the ice cream too. Tristan and Aurora showed up and ate too.

The only person who didn't want to eat ice cream was Morgan. He never liked these things, and I didn't blame him. Don't get me wrong, he ate, but he didn't like it. On the other hand, I adored everything sweet and did not forget to eat ice cream.

After everyone had his break, while Jade took care of the kids this time, I was with Morgan, Aurora and Tristan and we repeated the plan we would make tomorrow near the river. There we had seen that Lorenzo had settled in with his assistants. Tristan was not a very trusting man, but I knew he didn't like it when others tried to kill his prey.

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