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Later that night after me and the kids had dinner, on which they still didn't want to talk with me, Morgan come back home. He sat on the sofa, tired, closing his eyes and I walked to him. I sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck placing a few kisses on his face.

- Elena, please. I am not in the mood. – Morgan whispered.

- Did something happen, or you are just tired? – I asked.

- I am just tired. – Morgan answered, opening his eyes, and raised an eyebrow – What do you want to talk about?

He knew me so well and sometimes I had a feeling he was reading my mind. I took a deep breath and told him everything that happen. He thought about a second before saying:

- Well, they have the right to be angry. After all, you didn't listen to them, and they were just trying to show you the truth.

- Oh, why do I have a feeling I break their trust? – I asked and put my head on his shoulder – Sometimes I have a feeling they are using their spy sense only against Peter.

Morgan wrapped his arms around my waist and kiss my jaw. I smiled a little and kissed his neck.

- They aren't using it against Peter. Just like me they want to protect you and will do everything to do it. – Morgan spoke rubbing my back – How is the little champion?

- You want a boy, aren't you? – I asked leaning back so I can see his face.

- Well, it doesn't matter, but we can't keep calling the baby Number eight. – Morgan answered.

- You have a point. – I laughed slightly – But I want to be surprised about the gender. And you know the drill. If it is a boy, you named it. If it is a girl, I named it.

- I remember this. – Morgan nodded and pouted – Can we sleep now? I spend the whole day running like crazy after some bad guys.

- Okay. Go upstairs and take a shower. I will check the kids. – I said.

We walked upstairs. Jacob and Jason were sleeping in their beds and I kissed their heads. Hannah, whose room was next to the twins, was sleeping too and I kissed her too for goodnight. Gabriel and Dylan in their room too were sleeping peacefully and they also received a small kiss. Emma and Emily were sleeping too with their pacifier and after I kiss them too, I walked into our room and after changing into my pyjama, I lay down.


Gabriel opened his eyes and smiled grabbing his Loki Toki.

- The mission accomplish. Now what? – he grinned.

- Now we find a way to show mom that Peter isn't the man she thinks he is. – Jason said through his Loki Toki.

- But dad trusts us and maybe he can help us. – Hannah spoke too.

- Yes, but how we will do it? – Jason asked.

- Maybe get to bed first and think about it in the morning. – Morgan spoke through his Loki Toki and the kids jumped scared – Relax, your mom doesn't know. Good night, Team Trouble.

- Good night, dad. – Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan said through their Loki Toki's before laying down and falling asleep.

Morgan smiled knowing it was a good idea to have a secret Loki Toki that connects him with the kids.


I was falling asleep when I felt Morgan laying down next to me. I immediately snuggle in him putting my head on his chest. He kissed my head and after wrapping his arms around my waist we fell asleep like that.

However, this didn't continue for a long time. I heard something from downstairs and I sat confused. Morgan looked at me showing me with one look to stay here and grabbing his gun we walked downstairs. I stood at the door listening, but nothing could be heard. I saw the doors of the children's rooms open and small heads appear. I motioned for them to go inside, and they listened. I grabbed the second pistol walking to Emma and Emily, but they were still sleeping, so I went downstairs.

It was chillingly quiet; it was almost scary. I saw Morgan standing in front of the couch watching something. When I approached, I saw that the sofa was smeared with blood and there was a bloody letter. I looked around seeing Loki and Choco enter the room and sniffed the blood as they jumped away.

- How did this happen? From where this blood came? – I asked confused.

- I don't know. – Morgan answered and glanced at me – Are the kids upstairs?

- Yes, but I think we aren't safe here and we have to move from here. – I answered and he sighed – The secret bunker again.

Morgan stayed quiet watching the blood clenching his jaw and fist tightly. I took his hand unclenching it and intertwined our fingers looking at him wondering what he is thinking of.

- This is our home, and we won't leave it. – Morgan said looking at me – We will fight for it, and I am done running. 

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