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I glanced through the window and I could see Lorenzo and his assistant staying on the meadow in front of the house. They could break in every moment, and we still didn't have a plan. I looked behind to the second floor where the kids were still sleeping. I wanted so much to give them a normal life.

Morgan walked to me and took my hand rubbing my knuckles with his thumb.

- Hey, are you okay? – he asked concerned.

- Yeah, I am just tired of everything. – I sighed and stared at the beautiful blue-green eyes looking at me with so much love and care – Once we defeat this villain, we are taking a trip and will go to unknown distension, so the next villain won't find us.

- I agree with this plan. – Morgan smiled and pecked my lips – Now do you want to wake up the kids while I turn on the cars and take Loki with me?

- The cars? – I asked confused, but I received only a grin like an answer.

Jason and Jacob woke up first and followed me still rubbing their eyes. Hannah and especially Gabriel weren't very happy that they are woken up but still followed me. Dylan still yawning and half-sleep followed me downstairs as I was holding Emma and Emily. They were falling asleep in my hands holding their baby blankets. Morgan helped me put the twins in their baby seats and after I made sure everyone is secured with a belt, I went in the passenger seat. Morgan was already inside, and I saw on the monitor one digital woman. That must be Oracle.

- Good afternoon, Mrs Wood-Curse. – Oracle greeted me – I will control the other cars and I will send the bad ones away.

- Good, thank you. – I said smiling and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Morgan was smiling playfully - Is there anything you want to say?

- I love you. - Morgan answered and started the car - I love you too, little ones.

- So do we. - I heard the sleepy voices of Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan before the car filled with small snores.

I looked at them from time to time, but they were all sitting on their seat secured with belts hugging their favourite toys and sleeping soundly.

Loki was in the trunk, looking through the window, wagging his tail. The window was slightly open, and the dog was enjoying the smells coming from outside. I smiled at my family and looked at my stomach. Maybe it won't be that bad after all.

- Where are we going now? - I asked, looking at my husband.

- We will go back to headquarters and after we call all the spies, we'll barricade ourselves so we can't be killed. - Morgan replied with his gaze focused on the road.

He held the steering wheel with one hand and hold the gearbox with the other, shifting gears.

- We need to reunite the family. - I said, and Morgan frowned at me for a second before returning his gaze to the road - We need more people, and we both know they're going to come to our aid.

- I don't like her. – Morgan almost growled referring to Jade Wilson-West.

Jade Wilson-West was my cousin. She married five years ago and had two kids – one boy named John and one girl named Clarisse. They were 5 years old and 4 years old and were calm just like Jade. Six months ago, unfortunately, she lost her husband and now she was a widow with three kids. Yes, three because she was pregnant, and she is around 4 months pregnant if I don't mistake.

- She is part of our family, Morgan. – I sighed – I know you two had disagreements, but she is part of the family. Alongside her parents Derek and Sara Wilson.

Morgan frowned even more but nodded. I took his hand, intertwined our fingers and rubbed his knuckles making him glance at me for a second. However, our family wasn't big. Since some worse moments in our life, we had only my uncle Derek and aunt Sara and Jade with her kids. Logan was part of the family too alongside his crime family, but we were still insufficient to confront Lorenzo and his aides.

- Okay, fine. I will behave civilly, and I will not quarrel with Jade. - Morgan said, rolling his eyes.

- I wanted you to say that, but that's not why I'm holding your hand. - I sighed and Morgan looked at me when we stopped in one place waiting for the train to pass - Our family is small after we lost many members, and we will need more people to help us.

- What do you suggest? - Morgan asked, frowning slightly.

- We can use some of the enemies we have imprisoned. - I answered.

- No, no. - Morgan shook his head and sighed, leaning his head back in his seat - It's dangerous, Elena.

- I know, but we have no choice. – I answered and he looked at me – Do you still want to defeat Lorenzo and the mysterious villain terrorizing us for six years?

- I want this, Love, but this will be hard because the people we locked during these years will do everything to just kill us and don't care what we will offer them in return. – Morgan replied and thought – Even if your plan succeeds, who do you think will help us?

- I have two people in mind now. – I answered smiling slightly and Morgan raised his eyebrow interested in what I would say next.

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