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I parked in front of one fast food restaurant and stopped the engine. I turned seeing that Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were already looking around jumping on their seats excitedly.

Since I closed the car doors, they couldn't open the windows or the doors without my knowledge. I pushed one small bottom and Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel and Dylan jumped from their places running to the small playground. I helped Emma and Emily and they run to their siblings.

Taking Charlie, I locked the car and went to Morgan who was watching how the kids played.

- They are trying to be stronger just like us. – Morgan spoke and looked at me – Do you think they will have normal life one day?

- Maybe. – I sighed – After all you promised that once we defeated Peter, we will have a normal life.

- Yes, you wanted to go somewhere abundant from the world and don't deal with anything including spy missions. – Morgan said and grinned – I promise I will do it for you.

- Then let's eat and go to the headquarters. – I chuckled – We have a villain to catch.

Morgan nodded and entered the fast-food restaurant. After three minutes all kids were sitting eating their hamburgers and playing with their toys which were part of their happy meal for kids. I was eating salad while feeding Charlie and I could swear that some of my pickles disappeared. Morgan was guilty of that, but I couldn't be mad.

The moment kids were ready they ran to the small playground to play. I left them because they needed some relaxation after what they got through. I was leaning on the car with Morgan next to me who was tickling Charlie in my hands.

Five minutes passed and despite my kids' wanting to stay here a little longer, we continue our trip if I can call it like that.

Soon we reached the headquarters and Sara immediately took over caring for the kids. Morgan and I went to the command centre where Jade alongside Alan, Simon, Lucas, Pablo, Winston, and Milton were sitting talking. The moment we entered they stopped and looked extremely anxious.

- What's going on? – Morgan laughed leaning on his crutch.

- You know, spy things. – Lucas laughed hiding something and I frowned as Morgan hummed unbelievably.

- Do we pretend that we don't see them hiding something or we will ask them? – Morgan asked me sarcastically.

- We asked them. – I answered and looked at my cousin – Talk.

- While you two were on honeymoon, we found Alexandra's body tossed in the near river. It was a coincidence finding her, but we decided to take it and see what happen. The doctor found that there was a huge number of drugs in her system, which Peter had been using on Alexandra. – Jade explained and sighed – But we also find out that was the same drugs, that Morgan have been in contact with causing you to hook up with Lana.

- Things don't end here, however. – Simon spoke – I and Lucas decided to get into his house and see for clues. We find out the same drugs and spy camera alongside footage of how she put it on the wall and put the drug in the glass of whiskey before giving it to Elena.

- The footage then goes on with you two have.... – Alan continued but gulped seeing Morgan's angry face – Yeah that and we concluded that he was manipulating us from the start wanting to destroy us, but we still don't understand why he wanted to get Elena pregnant.

- But we do know that Peter is after all of us and want you to suffer. I would have done the same thing if I was him. – Jade shrugged.

In Morgan's eyes appeared dark sparks which meant he was getting furious. He would not vent his anger on me, but that didn't mean the others weren't safe. An angry look with the flames already burning in his eyes turned to Jade, and I jumped in front of him before it was too late.

- Morgan, hey. – I put one of my hands on his belly and the other on his chest – Try to breathe with your belly rather than your chest focusing your thoughts on me. There is nothing else, just me and you.

Morgan closed his eyes listening to me and calm down. I had made this trick on him a few times and I knew from experience that it is working. I let my hands fall as I was sure he is calm, and he open his eyes. There were still angry sparks in his blue-green eyes, but there were reducing themselves.

The other spies were still a little scared because of Morgan's anger issues. They did mention that they had to experience the full power and capacity of his anger problems while I was locked up for a few months and I don't blame them. I would have been scared too if I didn't know Morgan well enough to know that he will never hurt me in his onslaught.

- Let's go to our room, shall we? – I asked as I didn't expect an answer.

Morgan followed me as obedient as a little dog. The moment we entered inside I pushed him into the wall near the bathroom. I kissed him and he followed my actions. I leaned back and took a plastic bag and duct tape waterproofing the cast on his hand. After a few seconds, we were in the shower and we continued to kiss passionately.

I was under the water, but I moved away from it, moving Morgan, and now he was under it. His brown hair was officially all wet, and I kissed him, running my hands through his hair. He pulled me with his muscular arms around my hips closer to him.

I ran my hands slowly from his head to his body. I could feel his two scars from the moment Lucien and King Adam stabbed him. I felt his stitched wound on his stomach, and I pulled away, trying to catch my breath, looking at his wound. The bruises on his chest had disappeared and I spotted the stitched wound on his leg. I put my arms behind his neck and I was met with a cute loving smile.

- I love you, Morgan Benjamin Curse. – I said.

- I love you too, Elena Wood-Curse. – Morgan replied.

We continue our making session and after the bath, we moved in on the bed.

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