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On the next day, Morgan went to the headquarters to talk with the spies while I was with the kids. To his great disappointment, I had to go shopping, and at first, I thought I wouldn't take my children, but they wanted to and even showed dog eyes. I finally agreed, unable to bear to see how pitiful and sweet they were.

I stopped in front of the police station and turned to the children.

- You stay here for a while until I return. - I told them and they nodded.

I walked inside looking for Peter, but I couldn't see him. One police officer showed up next to me with a friendly smiled and asked:

- How can I help you, Mrs?

- I was looking . He is working here. – I answered.

- He has fired three years ago, and I don't know where he is working now. Can I help with something? – the police officer answered.

- No, I was just looking for him. Thanks. – I said as the police officer nodded, and I walked back to my car.

That was strange. He never told me he was fired and even if that is true, how he was with the police then? I drove to the supermarket and put Emma and Emily in the baby's place in the shopping car. Dylan wanted that too, and I put him inside as he was sitting in the car. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, and Gabriel walked around me helping me from time to time to get some ingredients. The moment we reached the toy section, I could swear that my kids' eyes shine. I pulled Dylan out of the shopping cart and he immediately joined his siblings to examine the toys. Emma and Emily began to reach out, too, and I spun around the stands until they grumbled.

After each child had a new toy, which they certainly did not need, but how to refuse them, we went to the car and from there home. On the way back, I notice that one car had been following us and I turned in the wrong direction.

- Mom, our home isn't in that direction. We had to turn right, not left. – Jason noticed.

- We have been followed. – I spoke as Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan turned to see who exactly it was – We can't let them understand where we live.

- I want dad to come and save us. – Dylan cried.

- Oracle, please help us get away from the man. – Gabriel yelled.

But the A.I. didn't react and I looked confused. I tried to activate it with my voice and Morgan's name as a password, but nothing happened.

Suddenly one car appeared in front of me and I stopped suddenly. I didn't hit anything and was good that my all kids had seatbelts. I was about the grab my hidden gun when someone open my door and put a gun in my temple.

- If you don't want to die now in front of your kids, you will come out of the car and come with us. – the man spoke.

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, whereupon the man pointed to the children. After we all got out, he pointed his pistol at the van. I put my children in the trunk and the two men caught me holding me. A third appeared, taking the watch from me. I was put inside the van and the door closed.

We were taken somewhere, but my goal was to reassure our children and not to cause problems. I don't know what these people wanted, but I didn't want my children to get hurt. We got off the van and of course, we found ourselves in an abandoned room where my children and I were locked behind a prison cell. A little later they brought us food, considering that there are one-year-olds.

We spent days here. Every night after the children fell asleep on the two quilted mattresses, I prayed that we would be found soon. The days became weeks, and they become months.

Three months passed and there was still no news from Morgan, but I knew he would not give up.


Those three months were hell for Morgan. He often spent the nights drinking while checking out possible places where his family might be. The days were not his favourite either.

He often yelled at a team if they came back without his family, but of course, everyone knew he was just under pressure and nervous.

However, this is not the only problem. If they happened to capture any part of a Masked One's group, Morgan kept torturing him for hours, and when he didn't get the answers he needed, he killed them in cold blood. There was no one to control his dark side anymore after all. He had given himself completely to evil, and some of the spies were beginning to worry that he would not return to his old self.

Peter tried to help as much as he could, but it wasn't much. It was more of a hindrance than a help, or so Morgan thought. They even drink together a few times like old friends, even if they weren't.


I sighed and stroked my belly. Will I give birth to my child here in this cage? I had another month left and I could barely look at all my children in this misery.

Good thing everyone was stubborn and didn't get sick.

I heard some noises and stood up slowly, walking to the bars. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily stood behind me, interested but a little scared. The door was broken and I smiled when I saw a familiar face.

- Good to see you. - I said.

- Daddy. - the children shouted happily.

- I am here now. Let's go home. - Morgan said and looked back yelling - I found them.

Jade showed up and I was never so happy to see them. She unlocked the bars and we all hugged, but the moment was disrupted by the Masked One. Morgan ran after him. I got Jade to take the kids home right away and take care of them. She agreed, and I followed Morgan.

He was not happy to see me but gave me a gun to shoot. After a long shot and no one hit a target, Morgan pulled out a grenade and threw it at the Masked Man and his aides. The aides burned on the spot, dying as the Masked man fled.

I ran after him while no one was watching. Maybe I should have called for help, but I could handle it even if I was pregnant. I climbed the stairs as fast as I could and looked around. One of the doors was ajar and I ran there.

Entering the room, I saw the Villain take off his mask just in time and I was shocked. Peter. It was Peter the whole time.

- Why? - I cried.

- Actually, my father started all this by manipulating all of you through the shadows. But he died after you killed Bryce Reed. I followed his food steps and now I will finish his work. - said Peter, and smiled madly - I can't let you know who I am. Not yet.

I ran back, but he grabbed my hand just before I reached the stairs where the others were. I tried to push him back. He released me suddenly, but I slipped and fell down the stairs down. I instantly lost consciousness.


Morgan saw Elena fall at the last moment and ran to her. He kneeled, taking her in his arms, and looked at the second floor. The spies came to him, and he growled:

- Find the asshole and bring him to me alive.

They fled, and Morgan picked up Elena's lifeless body, running to his car where one spy was waiting. He immediately opened the door and without wasting time jumped into the driver's seat and drove away.

- Please, Elena, don't leave me. - Morgan cried and rubbed Elena's cheek - Always and forever, love. Right? Don't leave me, please.

They arrived at the hospital and the doctors did their best. They managed to save both Elena and the baby, who was in the eighth month and was premature.

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