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I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black dress with black boots, but I saw through the mirror that Hannah is sobbing. I turned and kneeled in front of her wiping her tears. She was wearing a black dress too and she already had teary eyes. I kissed her and helped Emma and Emily to get dressed. The little twins were distressed too and only Charlie was smiling when she saw me. She was a baby after all and didn't know what is going on.

I adjusted Charlie, holding her with one hand, and held out my other to Emily. The girl grabbed her and took the twin's hand. Hannah took Emma's hand and we all went to the bedroom where the boys were preparing.

Going inside, I saw that my wonderful boys were ready, but they were not in the mood. Jacob was reading a book, but he wasn't very focused on it while Jason was playing on the phone, muttering that he was losing the game. Gabriel was playing with a soccer ball numbly while Dylan was sitting in the big chair sullenly and when he saw me he jumped off the couch coming to me. Morgan was just buttoning his black shirt when he noticed me and came to me.

He wiped away the tear I didn't know I had, and I let go of Emily's hand, put my arm around his shoulder, and pulled him closer to me. Our foreheads touched and I felt him put his arms around my hips. I closed my eyes trying to focus on Morgan's breathing, but my mind wouldn't let me.

My seven-year-old me sat on the ground in front of my twin Erica, and we played princesses and princes.

- And the charming prince appears and saves his princess. - Erica laughed in her childish voice making the prince and princess kiss.

- Why am I always the dragon here? - the young me frowned, but I was not angry with my sister.

Jade entered the room suddenly smiling a sly smile with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Those meant problems.

- Come on, the weather outside is wonderful. - she said – Let's play outside.

- Our parents forbade us to go out. - said the young me.

- Don't ruin the party, Elena. Come on. - Erica grinned, taking off her princess dress - Elena, please.

My young me sighed and nodded before running away with the two girls outside to play.

I opened my eyes and saw Morgan looking at me anxiously. I pulled back slightly even though I was still close to him and looked around. Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily were staying near us waiting for a command of what to do. They were sad but tried to be strong.

- If you want, we can miss the funeral and go somewhere. – Morgan whispered caringly.

- I have to be there. She was part of my family. – I said trying not to let the tears from now – Would you be by my side?

- Always and forever, love. – Morgan smiled sweetly and pecked my lip – If you feel a little discomfort, tell me and I will take you out immediately.

I nodded finally smiling happily. Morgan took Emma and Emily who made grabby hands and together with the five kids following, we went outside. Derek and Sara were standing in front of a big graveyard were carved the names of my parents Alaric and Caroline, my twin Erica and my sisters Abigail and Cassandra. Next to it was another grave with the names of Jade and her children John, Clarisse, and Clary.

- My condolences. - Morgan said sadly.

- It's your fault. - Derek muttered with sad red eyes glaring at Morgan - You did it.

- It's not his fault. - Sara tried to stop him, but Derek was drunk and he pushed Morgan.

It was a good thing he had left Emma and Emily on the ground before that. Derek grabbed Morgan by the shirt and knocked him to the ground. Sara stood in front of her husband, stopping him, and I knelt in front of Morgan. He had his hand on his leg where his wound was, and I could see that he was in slight pain. I helped him to his feet, and he immediately put all his weight on his other leg, standing on one leg. I slung his arm over my shoulder helping him.

- If he hadn't shown up, everyone would be alive. - I heard Derek shout as Sara tried to pull him away from us.

- It could have been more awkward. - Gabriel grinned, but no one followed.

- Why didn't you respond to the attack? - Jacob asked.

- Because he was visibly drunk, and if I had hit him, he would have fallen to the ground, losing consciousness for sure. - Morgan replied.

- Come, let me sit you down to look at your leg. - I said, and Morgan didn't object.

I helped him sit on the nearby bench and gave him Charlie, who looked around in amazement and interest. The wound was sutured, and everything was fine. It was just pain.

I looked at him and saw that he was making a painful grimace. I smiled, remembering how I "cured" my children's pain and kissed his wound. Morgan shook his head, a smile trying to break through.

- I am not a child, Elena. – Morgan chuckled.

- Still, that counts because I took care of you when you were hurt. – I shrugged and stood taking Charlie from him – C'mon, we have to sit on our seats.

Morgan nodded and stood following me. We were on the second rod on the right and I pointed to Jacob, Jason, Hannah, and Gabriel to go inward to the middle of the huge bench. They sat down, and Morgan sat down next to me on his left, followed by Dylan, Emma, and Emily.

I saw Derek and Sara sitting in front of us, and even before the ceremony began, they were already crying slightly. That made me remember another memory with Jade.

I was about 12 and happily ran to my room which I shared with Erica. Going inside, I saw Erica playing on her phone while Jade was playing with a soccer ball.

- I know that smile. - Erica said, waving the phone - Oh, my God. Your love interest shares your feelings. I knew it.

- What?- Jade asked confused, stopping to play with the ball - I don't understand.

- There's a boy named Peter O'Neill, and we talked today. He gave me his pen because I didn't have one and I started rambling, accidentally saying I liked him. - my young self said and jumped for joy - And he shares my feelings.

Erica screamed with joy and jumped out of bed hugging me, both jumping in one place.

- I have a bad feeling about him. - I heard Jade mutter.

I came back to reality, and I realize that I have drifted off missing Derek's sad speech about his daughter and his grandchildren. I looked around and I saw that some of the spies came were sniffing while Sara was fully crying with one spy trying to calm her down. However, my kids weren't sitting around, and I looked terrified at Morgan, but he looked behind reading my mind and I looked in his direction. I saw Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, and Emily playing soccer and laughing.

- When did they ask to go? – I whispered.

- You were spaced out so much that you didn't react at all when the kids asked you and I approve their request. – Morgan whispered back.

I sighed and looked at Charlie who was playing with a few curls of my hair as she sucked on her pacifier. Seeing that I was looking at her, she yelped happily making me slush her and rock. The others were not impressed, and I think they were expecting it. After all, she is a baby and does not understand much about what is happening around her.

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