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A few hours later we were all in the living room and I introduced the new rules, written on one whiteboard.

Rule Number 1: No pranks, tricks or mischievous

Rule Number 2: No more paintball games

Rule Number 3: No gun games that fire small balls or anything like that.

Rule Number 4: Getting up - 8 a.m. Bedtime - 9 p.m.

Rule Number 5: No contradiction against the word of mom and dad

Rule Number 6: No feeding on Loki except with his special food

Rule Number 7: Help mom and dad

Morgan sat in the chair with Emma and Emily on his lap. Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan were sitting on the couch, and Loki was laying down with his head up. They all were looking at me confused like I was kidding.

- If someone breaks any of the rules, they will be punished in the corner for an hour. – I sharpened at the end - Some comments.

Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan shook their heads instantly, but they were still confused. It was the first time I had set such strict rules and such a punishment. Emma and Emily also shook their heads when I looked at them, though I was sure they didn't know why. Morgan was incomprehensible. He gritted his teeth looking at the rules, but finally looked at me and asked:

- Did Peter tell you to discipline the children more?

- It does not matter. - I said, rolling my eyes, and looked at him seriously - These rules apply as much to children as it applies to me and you. Remarks?

- Enjoy playing the bad parent now. - Morgan murmured, standing up and placing the little girls on the play blanket.

- Morgan, in the corner. - I shouted after him, but he ignored me walking into his creative and music room.

Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan got up and went to their rooms. Emma and Emily frowned and crawled. Eventually, they were picked up and went with the others upstairs.

- Apparently, it's just you and me, Loki. - I said, but the dog stood up and followed the kids.

I sighed. The kids didn't show up until dinner and when I went to call them, I saw them playing with balls, action figures, dolls, and others, but they weren't very happy.

Dinner was also too silent, and every child agreed with what I said. Then they brought their plates and cups to the sink and went to watch TV.

I sighed and noticed Morgan coming. He leaned against the bar and looked at me expectantly.

- We need these rules. See how many pranks they make, especially today. – I tried to make him understand.

- Have you ever wondered why they did it? - Morgan asked - They did it because, unlike you, they realized that Peter wanted to take you from me and would not give up anything in the world.

- Don't talk nonsense. They did it because they like to make pranks on him. I had to do it the first time this happened. – I argued.

- If you believe this statement, the kids will remain angry. – Morgan sighed and walked away.

- You have to be on my side. – I yelled after him and this made him stop.

He turned and walked back to me. Taking my arm, he rubbed them with his thumb and glanced at my eyes.

- Elena, I will always be on your side no matter what, but you have to open your eyes at least for this. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan are smart and I cannot deny that they did something terrible, but they did it because they wanted to protect you. Even Emma and Emily, who are babies, aren't comfortable with the rules. – Morgan said and pecked my lips – The kids are disciplined, but they are just like me especially Gabriel who isn't our kid. He had the same spark as me and like Jason, Jacob, Hannah, Emma and Emily. – he smiled – The same devil's spark that you like so much. So, what do you say?

- I like your speech and maybe the rules will become like before, but only because you proved something. – I said and Morgan hummed interested – You had always been a bad little prankster who can't control himself.

Morgan rolled his eyes and we kissed properly, but we heard a few disgusted voices and I turned. I saw our kids listening to our conversation and they immediately pointed at each other.

- Relax, no one is punished. Let's go watch a film. – I smiled.

It was amazing family time, but if destiny showed me something is that it doesn't last for long. The same case was here, and this will always chase after me like a dark part of me. 

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