"That was...amazing."

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I lay with my head on Happy's bare chest. we spent a big majority of our day in bed fucking. 

he had his arm wrapped around me while the other was behind his head.

"that was....amazing" I say

"it was" he agreed

I lifted my head a bit and kissed his chest before I fully lifted up propping myself up on my elbow.

he looked at me as he started rubbing my side.

"Love you," I tell him

"Love you too mami," he says

I leaned down and started kissing him as dropped his hand from behind his head and fisted my hair holding me right where I was as he deepened the kiss.

I moaned against his lips as I moved so I was laying on top of him.

he smirked as he let my hair go so I could breathe.

"ready for more?" he asked

"Uh-huh," I say before I started kissing his throat. his hand that was on my side moved to my ass while his other hand started moving up and down my leg.

"you sure she's ready for it?" he asked,

"not rough." I tell him

"you take the reins and go how you want," he says

I lifted up a bit as I reached down and grabbed hold of his cock jerking it a few times before I brushes his tip along my slit before sliding down on him.

my walls automatically started clenching around him.

I placed my hands on his chest and started moving. I wasn't gonna go fast cause my pussy was really sensitive and I didn't wanna cum too soon.

I closed my eyes as I picked up pace just a little while his hands moved up my body and grabbed my breasts pinching and tugging on them lightly.

before to long, I couldn't take anymore and I started riding his cock so damn good. I was coming over and over again but I didn't care I was lost in total bliss.

 Happy flipped us over and took control pinning my arms down and railing my pussy so damn good I was seeing stars.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK (complete)Where stories live. Discover now